
发布 2020-11-04 05:55:28 阅读 1847

unit5 topic 2 he is running on the playground.

section a needs 1~2 periods. section a需用1~2课时。

the main activities are 1a, 2a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a, 2a和3。

. aims and demands目标要求。

1.(1) learn the names of school buildings:

playground, gym, dormitory, lab, computer room, dining hall, classroom building, swimming pool

2) learn other new words:

make, card, boring, soon, run, dance, sleep, clean

2. learn the present continuous tense.

what are you doing now? i’m ****** cards.

what is maria doing now? she is reading in the library.

are you watching tv? yes, i am./no, i’m not.

is kangkang reading in the library? yes, he is./no, he isn’t.

. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案 (时间:8分钟)

复习上节课校园生活的内容, 呈现活动3。

step 1 review 第一步复习。

1. (让学生描述自己的校园生活, 用上in one’s free time, often, twice a week, go swimming, read books, play soccer …,为学习校园内活动场所名称作铺垫, 也为学习现在进行时提供必要的动词词组。)

2. (询问学生通常在**做上述活动, 呈现校园活动场所名称。)

t: i know you all h**e an interesting school life. s1 usually plays soccer.

s2 often reads books. s3 often goes swimming… please answer my questions now. where do we play soccer?

if you can’t answer it in english, you can speak chinese.

ss: 操场。

t: where do we read books?

ss: 图书馆。

t: where do we swim?

ss: 游泳池。

板书)3. (让学生把3中的词与**正确搭配。)

t: just now we learned some new words. now let’s look at the picture in 3.

then match the places with the right pictures.

4. (核对答案。)

step 2 presentation 第二步呈现(时间:17分钟)

呈现2a, 1a, 完成2b。

1. (猜猜看。老师做出读书的动作, 并且问what am i doing?

帮助学生回答you are reading a book。以此为例, 让学生轮流做动作, 其他学生猜猜她/他在干什么。)

板书新句型,要求学生掌握dance, sleep, clean。)

让学生根据1a, 2a的图练习现在进行时。)

t: where is jane?

ss: she is at home.

t: what is she doing?

ss: she is watching tv.


s1: …s2: …

3. (让学生再听2a, 完成2b。)

t: let’s listen to 2a again. and finish 2b. begin!

4. (核对答案。)

t: who wants to share your answers with us?

s7: maria …

s8: kangkang …

s9: wang wei …

5. (听录音,学习1a。)

(板书)step 3 consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:5分钟)

巩固1a, 2a。

1. (放1a, 2a的录音, 让学生跟读, 注意语音和语调。)

4. (老师总结现在进行时的用法及构成。)


板书)step 4 practice 第四步练习(时间:10分钟)

练习1a, 2a,完成1b和4。

1. (设置场境,引导学生以小组为单位表演对话,评出最佳表演者。)


2. (两人一组,根据1a,利用what are you doing? i’m …和are you …?yes, …no, …编类似对话。完成1b。)




step 5 project 第五步综合**活动(时间:5分钟)

通过表演和猜测, 培养学生实际运用能力。

1. (请一名学生到台上做动作, 其他学生用现在进行时态进行问答。)

t:××please come here.


please perform the action.


t: what is he/she doing?

ss: he’s/she’s dancing.

2. (家庭作业。)


t: i’d like you to watch your family after you go back home. please write down what he/she is doing.

ection b needs 1 period. section b需用1课时。

the main activities are 1a, 2a and 2b. 本课重点活动是1a, 2a和2b。

. aims and demands目标要求。

1. learn some new words and phrases:

borrow, a few, of course, use, look for, shelf, keep, return, on time, pleasure, post, bye-bye, another, lost and found, purse, money, else, picture, put on

2. go on learning the present continuous tense.

many students are using them, and they are doing better in english now.

i’m looking for my purse.

3. learn how to borrow things.

excuse me, may i borrow a few ren’ai project english workbooks?

how long can i keep them?

you must return them on time.

4. learn how to write lost and found.

. teaching aids 教具。


. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案。

step 1 review 第一步复习(时间:5分钟)

复习学校场所, 呈现1a。

1. (方案一:猜谜。说一些描述性的语言, 让学生猜是学校的哪个场所。)

t: boys and girls, guess the place. first, a place where we can go swimming. what is it?

s1: is it the swimming pool?

t: yes, you are right. next, a place where we can do some sports.

what is it? who knows?

s2: playground.

step 2 presentation 第二步呈现(时间:12分钟)

呈现活动1a, 练习1b。

1. (继续对话,利用课件或**呈现1a。)

t: a place where there are many different kinds of books. what is it?

s5: library.

t: good. what can we do in the library?(教师出示图书馆**。)

s6: read books.

t: anything else?


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