
发布 2021-05-08 14:47:28 阅读 3007

1. last sunday/ week/ month/ year/ two months上个星期天/上周/上个月/去年/上两个月。

they worked hard last sunday/ week/ month/ year/ two was in the usa last sunday/ week/ month/ year/ two months

next sunday/ friday/ week/ month/ year下个星期天/下周/下个月/明年they will work hard next sunday/ friday/ week/ month/ will be in the usa next sunday/ friday/ week/ month/ is the first day of a week.星期日是一周的第一天。

saturday is the last day of a week.星期六是一周的最后一天。june is the sixth month of ayear.

2. she was born on october 2nd, 2001.1)在具体的日期前用on

on may 1st, on june 28th, on schools days, on your birthday, on teachers' day2)在星期几的前面用on

on sunday/ monday/ tuesday/ wednesday/ thursday/ friday/ saturday3)有修饰词的早中晚前面on

on the morning of christmas day, on a cold evening, on a sunday afternoon4)其他。

on foot, on weekdays, on weekends, on the playground, on the street, on the shelf, work onthe computer, work on math problems, on the floor, on the left/ right, go on a trip, go on holiday,play tricks on sb., go on doing sth.

3. they were born in march. 1996.1)在年,月,季节的前面用in

in 2003, in 1980, in june/ december/ may, in may,1971, in spring/ summer/ fall/ winter2)在地点的前面用in

in the park/ gym. /garden/ kitchen/ news*****in beijing/ hebei/ chongqingin my home, in our area3)其他。

in chinese/ english, in fact, in an accident, in one breath, in one's free/ spear time,4. i don't think he likes dolls.


we don't think he is right.

i don't think he is late for don't think they are 16 years old.

i don't think it's necessary for us to discuss this question any further.我想我们没有必要进。


they don't believe he will le**e beijing soon.

5. 1) give sb. a surprise(给某人一个惊喜)to one's surprise(令某人惊奇的是……)they want to give their teacher a hope to give my friend a surprise.

to my surprise, he can speak english so well.=i am surprised at his is surprised at the news is surprising.

to our surprise, he won the high jump.

to his mother surprise, he does his homework carefully.2)其他的类似的词。

形容人:excited, tired, bored,pleased, interested

形容物:exciting, tiring, boring, pleasing, interesting, moving, surprisingthe book is very interesting.

all the students are interested in it.

what are you interested in?你对什么感兴趣?

6. i can perform the disco.

1)can表示能力"会,能"。等于beableto,could用于一般过去时,表示过去的能力。否定式can not= can'tcould not =couldn't

canyou swim/ jump/ sing/ dance/ speak english?- yes, i can.(肯定回答)

no, i can't. /no, not, at all.(否定回答)- yes, i can. /yes, a little. /yes, very well.

= are you able to swim/ jump/ sing/ dance/ speak english?)-yes, i am./ no, i am not.

he could dance the disco last year.

he was able to dance the disco last chickens can't swim.

the chickens aren't able to swim.2) can表示可能性。can he news be true?that can't be li lei.

3) can和could表示许可和请求许可,could语气更委婉客气。can i borrow this book?could you do me a f**or?

could you help him sweep the floor?they are h**ing a good time.

注:1) h**e a good time玩得开心,玩得快乐= h**e a nice time

h**e a great time

h**e a wonderful time= enjoy oneself

he had a good/ nice/ great/ wonderful time in the park last sunday.=he enjoyed himself in the park last sunday.

we h**e a good/ nice/ great/ wonderful time at school every day.= we enjoy ourselves at school every day.

注:2) h**e的其它词组搭配。

h**e lunch/ supper/ dinner/…吃午饭/晚饭h**e/ take some medicine/ pills/ cold pills吃药h**e/ take a rest/ swim休息/游泳/h**e a walk/ seat散步/坐下h**e to = must不得不,必须h**e fun doing sth.有兴趣做某事h**e a look看一看= take a look

h**e a traffic accident出交通事故h**e a picnic野炊。

h**e a field trip野外郊游。

h**e a cold/ fever/ a cough感冒/发烧/咳嗽。

h**e a sore eye/ throat/ headache/ toothache/ stomachache/ ackache眼睛疼/喉咙疼/头痛/牙痛/胃痛/背痛。

h**e the flu流行感冒。

注:3)意思是"有",它的三人称单数形式是hasi h**e a pen/ book/ house/ garden.

do you h**e any hobbies?你有什么爱好吗?he has some money/ friends/ ideas.

注:4)助动词"h**e/ has +过去分词",构成现在完成时态。h**e you milked the cows?

你已经挤过奶了吗?h**e you seen the doctor?你看过医生了吗?

h**e you ever been to japan?你去过日本吗?h**e you finished yet?

你做完了吗?in the hospital(在医院)in hospital(生病住院)

his father works in the hospital.

we are in the hospital, because jim was in hospital.

仁爱版英语七年级下册考点 UNIT5 UNIT

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