小学英语五年级上Unit1 Unit2单元测试完成

发布 2020-11-03 21:34:28 阅读 4713




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1. young2. yes___

3. fat4. big __

5. tall6. kind __


) 1. who’s __math teacher?

a. your b. i c. you

) 2. -what’s he like?

thin and short.

a. she’s b. he’s c. his

) 3. -is she young?

she’s old.

she is. b. yes, he is. c. no, she isn’t

) 4. -what day is it today?

cloudy. b. it’s wednesday. c. it’s mine.

) 5. what do you h**e __thursdays?

a. at b. on c. in

)6. _would you like for lunch?

a. what b. what’s c. what’s

) 7. she’s __teacher. we are __students.

a. a ; she b. our; her c. our ; his

) 8. what’s your math teacher like?

a..he likes potatoes b. he’s tall and smart c. yes ,he likes

) do you do __sunday?

a. on b. at c. from

) books on the weekend.

a .look b. see c. read


1. sm__ rt2. s tr__ct3. act _ ve

4. st__dent5. pr__ncipal( )


)1is your math teacher?

)2funny? yes, she is.

a .is he she

)3. todayfriday.

a. isb. are

)4. weenglish, math and

a h**e

) do you dosundays?

a. onb.


apples are新鲜的)。

go to the park this星期六)。

is very安静的)

the food here is好吃的)

children like甜的) food.


often i tv sundays. watch, on

art , who’s teacher, your

your ,quiet ,is , sister

is, our , principal, kind , very, do , h**e, what, you ,saturdays, on

6. is , very ,she ,active (.

7. like , what, is , your , mother (?

8. the , young , smart , girl , is , very(.)

9. what ,like , you , for, breakfast , would(?)

10. do , you , what , do ,sunday , this(?)


1. 别人问你:“who is your math teacher”你应该回答:(

a. mr. wang b. oh, really? is short and thin


a. what do you do on mondays? b. what day is it today?

c. when is your brithday?

3. 如果你想问“你们星期一上什麽课?”应该说:(

a. monday is my f**orite. b. we h**e english, math, and

c. what do you h**e on monday?


a.what do you do on saturdays? b. i watch tv on saturdays

c. i like saturdays.

5.别人问你:“what do you do on saturdays?” 你应该回答:(

a. i like saturdays. play football on saturdays. c. it’s saturday today.



is your new chinese teacher ? mr. lin

2.她长得怎么样? 哦,她又高又瘦。

she like ? oh, she is tall and thin.


is heyes, and he is very


whatis it today ?


1)you h**e do teachers new ?

2) very art my is teacher young .

3) h**e we a art new teacher .

4)on what you do do sundays ?


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