
发布 2020-10-31 21:14:28 阅读 2258


1, who is taller, ann or ken? 谁更高,ann 还是ken?

ken is taller than annken 比ann高。

2, who is younger, mary or peter? 谁更小(年轻),mary 还是peter?

mary is younger than peter. mary比peter年轻。

3, how tall is kenken多高?

he is 147 centimeters tall. 他147厘米高。

4, how he**y is kenken多重?

he weighs 33 kilograms. 他重33千克。

5, how tall are you你多高?

i am 142 centimeters tall. 我142厘米高。

6, how much do you weigh? 你多重?

i weigh 40 kilograms我重40千克。

7, how tall am i我多高?

you are 135 centimeters tall. 你135厘米高。

8, how much do i weigh? 你多重?

you weigh 42 kilograms. 你重42千克。

9, who is the tallest谁最高?

ken is the tallestken 最高。

10,which is the shortest哪个最短?

the yellow skirt is the shortest. 黄色的裙子最短。

11,whose hair is the longest of all? 谁的头发是所有中最长?

ann's hair is the longest. ann的头发最长。

12, take...to...带某人去某处。

ann and ken took mocky to the town 和ken带mocky 去了城镇中心。

13, we can check our weight and height. 我们能够测量我们的身高和体重。

14, they weighed ken他们给ken量了体重。

15, something was wrong有些事错了。

16,ann was shorter but he**ier than 比ken矮,但是比ken重。

17,do you know why你知道为什么吗?

18,mocky had his foot on the scales. mocky把他的脚放在了称上。

注意事项:1,weigh(weighs)--weighed 动词,称量。的体重 weight 名词,体重 (不可数名词,不能加s)

high 形容词,高的height 名词,身高 (不可数名词,不能加s)


1) 看见than就用比较级: ann is taller than ken.

两个人相比时用比较级: who is taller,ann or ken

2) 三个人或三个人以上时用最高级: who is the tallest, ann,ken or mocky?

看见the或者of all 时用最高级: who is the youngest of all?

which is the newest of all?


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