
发布 2020-10-18 20:18:28 阅读 3226

腿unit4 what can you do?

蚅姓名 __班级。

袃listening part 听力部分。

一、 二、 聿听音,排序。


螅( )1. a. lookb. cookc. book

芄( )2. a. sweepb. sweetc. sleep

螁( )3. a. cook the meals b. sweep the floor c. read books

螇( )4. a. clean the bedroomb. wash the windows

袄 c. draw animals in the zoo.

蚅( )5. a. water the flowersb. wash the windows

腿c. draw animals in the zoo.


袄1. what can chen jie do ?

袂a: she can cook the meals. b. she can sweep the floorc. he can empty the trash.

羁2. can li yang do housework ?

蕿a. yes, he can . b. no, he can . c. no, he can't.

羄3. what day is it today ?

芃a, sunday. b. saturday. c. friday .

蚃4. what can miss yang's sister do ?

芈a. he can water the flowers. b.

she can set the table. c. she can water the flowers.

肄5. are they helpful ?

蚄 a. yes, they can. b. no, they can't . c. yes, they are.


肇1. a. yes, he canb. no, she can't.

膄2. a. yes, you can. b. no, i can't.

肅3. a. yes, she canb. no, i can't.

袂4. a. sure, he can. b. sure, he can't.

肀5. a. yes, i canb. yes, it can.

芄writing part 笔试部分。




羂 ( 1. what __you do at home ?

蚇a.. do b. h**e c. are d. can

蚈 ( 2. i can't cook the meals ,but my mother __

羃a.. do b. are c . can d. h**e.

蒀 ( 3. i'm a __boy , i can do housework at home.

蚀a. helpful b. good c. tall d. fat

螈 ( 4. can you __the floor ?

莄a. set b .wash c. sweep d. make

膂 ( 5. petty can water the

葿a. floor b. bed c. trash d. flowers

袇 ( cook the meals, but he can set the table.

螅a. can b. can't c. like d. h**e

薀 ( can you do housework ?

膈yes, i canonly a little.

羇a. and b, but c. cand. do

羂 ( on, john .let's go to the garden and __

莂 a. pour the waterb. water the flowers

羇 c. clean the classroom

肇 ( is over .i can __

莃 a. wash the clothes b. make the bed c. do the dishes

螀 ( s raining. i h**e to __

羀 a. wash the windows b. empty the trash

膇 c. put away the clothes


蒁 ( can you sunday.

蝿 ( do you h**e on wednesdays? i can’t.

膇 ( day is it can wash the window.

膄 ( you water the

罿 ( your f**ourite fruit? h**e english,math.


芇 1. put away can i clothes the

芁。蚁 2. do you can what

莆。莇 like h**e would to a try

蚂。腿 you can a use

荿。蒇 5. the meals sarah cook can 肃。袁。


膈 today is saturday. peter's family is all at home. they would like to do some housework.

his father says: "i can sweep the floor ,and clean the windows. "his mother says:

" i can wash the clothes and cook the meals." peter and his sister say: "let's water the flowers, empty the trash and put away the clothes.

"薆 ( is saturday today.

蒄 ( 2. peter's brother is not at home.

艿 ( 3..his father can sweep the floor.

袇 ( mother can cook the meals.

蚆 ( 5. peter can't put away the clothes.



unit 4 what can you do?第四课时。淮北市烈山区古饶镇南元小学 马小丽。教材分析 本单元是义务教育pep小学英语教科书五年级教材第四单元,围绕话题what can you do 你能做什么?引出动词短语 二组情景对话,在此基础上培养学生的语言交际能力和 用英语做事情 的能力。本课...


第四单元。看词组注音。z zh n y uh o dl n 妮子战役友谊歌谣噩耗大嫂挎篮颧骨 ji o q ns ji n sh n t n q sh u 鬓角青稞搪塞煎熬唉声叹气收敛 y n y x zh sh nf n zh 疙瘩奄奄一息噎住生锈放肆揪住 y n f j zh nj shu 瞪眼...


本课以话题为纲,交际功能为线,兼顾结构,运用英语完成任务为目标。即话题 功能 结构 任务对话教学。成功之处 一搭建 平等的对话,心灵的交通 的舞台。通过问句what can you do?展开与学生开放式的沟通与交流,尽量使学生能充分发挥想象力,能真实全面的表达自己的思想,抒发他们的情感。从我坦诚的...