
发布 2020-09-30 10:20:28 阅读 3968






brother teacher tail eyes usa tall

二、read ,find and choose.看图,选择正确的单词并将序号写在题前括号里。 (8分)

ear ②eye ③hand ④face ⑤nose ⑥arm ⑦leg ⑧foot

三、look and choose.读句子,选择正确的答句。(10分)

) are youa. five.

)2 how old are youb. nice to meet you.

) is wu yifanc. my name’s zoom.

) your named. fine, thank you.

) many platese. ok.

) birthdayf. here you are.

) i h**e some water, please? g. thank you

( )it brownh. great..

( )9. let’s make a puppeti. it’s a duck.

( )thisj. i’m nine.

四 read and choose. 根据**或语言情景,选择正确的选项。(6分)

) 1. what’s this? it is

a. an elephant b. a bear c. a panda .

) h**e __

a. a eraserb. a crayonc. an eraser

( )3. -colour it brown

a. goodbye b. byec. ok!

( )4i’m miss white.

a. what’s your name? b. hello? c. how are you?

like someplease.

a. juice

some .

a. juice


) 1. 当你告诉别人你有一只尺子时,说:

a. i h**e a rulerb. i like a rulerc. look at my ruler

) 2. 当你把一样东西给对方时,可以说:

a. how are you ? b. here you are c. here are you


a. my name is jim. b. i’m jimc. this is jim


a. i see see h**e green


a.what’s that? b. what’s this? c. this is a bird.


a.hi !sam

b. how old are you?

c. happy birthday?

d. i’m six years old.

f. thank you

g. this is my brother ,sam.



) b .sister c. cap

) b .blue c. fifteen

) c. orange

) b .china c. jiangxi

) b. long c. big

八。 按要求完成下列各题(10分)


tall (英译汉英国(缩写形式。


great(英译汉look at (英译汉。


九。 读一读、选一选。(10分)

)1.——h**e some apples

a. thank you . c. good !

)2 ——who’s this boy?

is my father. b .he is my brother . c. she is my sister.

)3.——what do you like? ,i don’tb. yes ,i doc. i like oranges.

)4.——where are you from ?

from china b .i am from china . from the uk .

)5.——is it on the desk ?

it isn’t b .no ,it isc. no ,it isn’t .

十。 情景选择 ( 10分)

) 1.你想向你的妈妈介绍miss white,应该怎么说?

a. this is my mother. b .this is me . c .this is my teacher .


a .can i h**e some watermelons, please ?

b .i want to h**e watermelons .

c. can you h**e some bananas ,please ?


many balloons can you see ?

b .how many balls do you h**e ?

c. how many balloons do you h**e ?


a. where is my car ? b .where is my toy car ?

c. what is my car ?


don’t like pears. b. i don’t like apples. c. i don’t like oranges.


一 到校学习有信心 有目标 有计划 有行动 有恒心。二 学会做人,学会学习,学好知识,健康成长。三 每天按时上下学,不迟到 不早退,有病有事要请假,请假需书面假条或有家长亲自打 四 早上到校就进教室,交作业 早读,不在教室打闹 走动。尊重小干部的督促。五 碰见老师同学主动问好。主动关心帮助同学。六 ...

学年四年级语文下册教学计划 姚媛

教学计划。学科语文。年级四年级。教师潘湘丽 赵倩 姚媛。赵秀萍 管梓婷 古丽扎达。2013年 1月20日。一 课程目标。本册学习要达到的主要目标 1.认字200个,会写200个,养成主动识字的习惯。2.会使用字典 词典,有独立识字的能力。能用钢笔熟练书写正楷字,用毛笔临摹字帖。3.能用普通话正确 流...


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