EEC版小学英语四年级 下 第七单元测试题

发布 2020-09-30 07:22:28 阅读 8880

lesson 7 where’s the post office?


1、no_e a. ask b. cost c. most

2、so_ _a. welcome b. come c. home

3、c_ _e a. car b. market c. card

4、restaur_ _a. pant b. want c. ant

5、_ ina a. watch b. much c. teacher


1、ensd __那边;结束2、pitlahos___邮局。

3、haicn___寄;送 4、stop iceffo___医院。

5、vroe___中国 6、ksa问,请求。

7、icelpoanm___书店 8、seexuc___超市。

9、storebook___警察 10、persuketmar___打扰。


1、help you a.在那边。

2、send---to b.对不起;打扰。

3、how long c.多久;多长时间。

4、ask him d.邮寄到---

5、over there e.帮助你。

6、excuse me f.问一下他。

7、at the restaurant g.能看到。

8、can see h.在餐馆。

9、read book i.看病。

10、see a doctor j.读书。


1、she’s __the restaurant.

a. on b. at c. of

2、she wants to see __doctor.

a. an b. the c. a

3、it takes __12 days.

a. at b. on c. about

4、it’s __there.

a. at b. over c. on

5、there’s __policeman

a. an b. a c. the

6、how __does it take? it takes about 3 days.

a. long b. many c. more

7、i want to send this __china.

a. at b. on c. to

8、she wants __buy a present.

a. at b. to c. in

9、excuse __where is the library?

a. i b. my c. me

10、where __the post office? it is over there.

a. are b. am c. is


1she’s on the hospital.

a. b. c.

2how long do it take? 2days.

a. b. c.

3i want to send it to china.

a. b. c.

4it take about 10 days.

a. b. c.

5where the post office?

a. b. c.

6there are a policeman.

a. b. c.

7let ask him.

a. b. c.

8、( i doesn’t know.

a. b.

9it over there.

a. b. c.

10may i help your?

a. b. c.






5、you’re(完全形式)__10. let us(简略形式)__


where’s __1_ post office? well, i __2_ know. oh, there __3_ a policeman.

let’s ask __4_. oh, it’s over __5__.

1、( a. an b. a c . the

2、( a. don’t b. does c . can

3、( a. are b. is c . am

4、( a. he b. him c . his

5、( a. where b. these c . there



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