
发布 2020-09-30 07:18:28 阅读 5108

4b unit 1 单元检测题。

一、 读一读所给的单词,根据划线部分的读音,将单词归类。

zebra window clock kite puzzle

what come welcome zero climb

1. walkman

2. cat

3. zoo




三、 选出不同类的单词。

) b: pineapples c: doctors d: oranges

) b: man c: girl d: nurse

) b: this c: she d: it

) b: inc: on d: under

) brown b: mr green c: mr black d: mrs black

) b: student c: teacher d: woman

) eighty b:old c:eleven d:thirteen

)8. a what b:where c:who d: this


1.过来 me

3.在树上(指人 trees

5.一名新学生 down

7.我的老师 right

9.那位女士 new here


( )kite isthe tree .

a: inb: atc: on

) boy over there ?

b: he’s wang lei.

a: whob: who’sc: whose

) li. she’s __woman.

a: ab: /ac: the, a

) you a teacher ?

b: yes

a: i amb: i’mc: it is

) to our school .

ba: all right b: me, tooc: thank you .

) man over there ?

b: he is mr brown .

a:whob: who’sc: where

) you go to bed ?

b: at seven fifteen.

a: what time b: what’s time c: what’s

) trees again .

b: i’m sorry.

a: don’t b: not c: aren’t

) isorange .

ab: a c: an

) your jacket ?

b: red and blue.

a: what’s b: what colour c: what’s colour


ab ) 1. come here, pleasea: see you.

) 2. shall we go by busb: that’s ok.

) you in the afternoon, please. c: thank you.

) 4. whose jacket is itd: all right. let’s go.

) 5. here’s a toy lion for you. e: no, you can’t.

) 6. what’s the matterf: she’s mrs green.

) 7. can i h**e an appleg: no ,i’m a doctor.

) 8. sorry ,i’m lateh: yes.

) 9. who’s that womani: i’m tired.

) you a teacherj: it’s jack’s.


)1. who is the girls

a b c )2. is he teacher? no, he’s not

a bc )3. excuse i ,are you a teacher

a b c )4. welcome to your school

a b c )5. who’s that boy? she’s mike

a b c八、连词成句。

1. me, are, a, teacher ,you, new ,excuse

2. look, the, zebra, at ,the, in ,zoo(.)

3. who’ s, tall, that, man,(?

4. in, tree, the ,boy ,who’ s ,the (?

5. again , don’t ,trees, climb,(.


3. who’sthatgirl?


1. 你是一位新来的**吗? 我不是。

a newno

2. 让我看看。她是王老师。

let memiss wang .

3. 不要再迟到了。

late again .

4. 那个女孩是谁?她是我妈妈。

girl ?

my5. 打扰了,那位男士是谁?他是格林先生,他是一名医生。

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