外研版四年级英语上册三 四模块测试题

发布 2020-09-29 19:45:28 阅读 7214





) apple

)11. a. nice b. rice c. noodles

) 12. a. chinese b. english c. these

)1 3. a. they b. want c. we

)1 4. a. green b. make c. yellow




对应词 (现在分词。

现在分词 (现在分词。






)1.__is the zoo?

a. what b. where c. how

)2. i live___no. 9 guangming street.

a. on b. in c .at

)3. where __these books?

a. is b. are

)4. i’m playing __a toy bus.

a. on b. in c. with

5. my friend is __pictures now.

a. take b. taking c. takes

)6. look! tom is

a. watch tv b. watches tv c. watching tv

)7are you doing?

a. who c. what

)8. they are

a. run b. runing

)9. he is __a bike.

b. riding c. rideing

)10. let's get___the bus.

a. on b. in c. up

the people the park.

in in

) rowing a dragon boat the lake.

a. in

) and lingling doing taijiquan .

a. am

) sister is talking tofriend.

is flying kite.

b.不填 ) is reading a bookchina.

)17.——where are you,tom?

behind the tree.

am is are

)18are they drinking?

they are drinking milk.

) am __my friend.

to to

) is next __a supermarket.


)1. what is the elephant doing? a. she’s singing.

)2. what are the boys doing? b. he is reading a book.

)3. what is tom is running.

)4. what are you doingd. they are drawing pictures.

)5. what’s she doinge. i’m watching tv.

)1. i’m hungrya. yes,i am.

)2. let’s go homeb. i’m you.

)3. where’s no.2 park street? c. i’m hungry,too.

)4. how are youd. it’s beside the cinema.

)5. are you


reading books.(对划线部分进行提问)

tigers are drawing pictures.(改为一般疑问句)

is my a reading book . 连词成句)

is amy doing?(用play chess 正确形式回答)

is drinking soya milk.(改为复数句)

is a dog.(改为否定句)

is near the houses.(对划线部分进行提问)

you so much!(回答)

连词成句。1. do noodles want you some ?


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