
发布 2020-09-29 10:52:28 阅读 1258


)1、a. desk b. jacket c.

chair()2、a. shirt b. orange c.

skirt()3、a. sweater b. dress c.

milk()4、a. hat b. coat c.

mine()5、a. sock b. sheep c.


)1. are these yours

a. yes, they are b. yes, it is.

c. no they are()2. whose __are these?

a. what time b. what colour c.

whose()3. whose___are these?a.

shoe b. shoes c. shoes’

)4. whose pants __these?a. is b. are c. for

)5. whose dress is this? it’s___a. me b. chen jie’s c. she三、请翻译下列句子。(10分)

take off your hat.

译put on your shirt

译wash your skirt.

译hang up your dress,译put away your pants.


1、()what colour is the hat?a、no, they aren’t.2、()where is the t-shirt ?

b、they’re mike’s.3、()are these yours ?c、it’s mine.

4、()whose coat is this?d、it’s pink.

5、()whose pants are these?e、it’s on the bed.五、根据下列给出的单词,重新组合一下,把词连成句子。

(10分)1、whose these are pants(?)

2、like that i skirt green(。)

3、coat whose this is(?)

4、to it’s go home time5、yours these are(?)


look at these children. they’re playing games.

lucy’pants are brown ,and her sweater is pink .her sisterlily has black jeans and a pink t-shirt . their friend janehas black shoes.

)1. there are three children.

)2. lucy’s sweater is pink and her pants are brown.()3.

lily’s jeans are black and her t-shirt is pink.()4. jane’s shoes are brown.

)5. lucy, lily and jane h**e the same clothes.听力部分。




1)a. dress b. skirt c.

cat()(2)a. shirt b. orange c.

apple()(3)a. egg b. jacket c.

coat()(4)a. hat b. chair c.

desk()(5)a. sweater b. dress c.



四、根据你在录音中听到的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,将其字母序号填入句子前面的括号里。(10分)()1、a、yes, it’s john’s . b、yes, it’s my clock.

c、no, they aren’t.

)2、a、it’s purple. b、it’s mine. c、it’s 9:

10.()3、a、they’re shoes. b、it's a jacket.

c、it's mystory-book.

)4、a、there are two. b、it’s 6:10 c、they’re four.

()5、a、no, it isn’t. b、it's on the bed. c、no, theyaren’t.

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