
发布 2020-09-29 08:25:28 阅读 5653




学情分析:四年级的学生已经有了一年多的英语基础,主要还是应该以激发兴趣为主enducation must be fun(教育必须是有趣的)小学英语教学应从儿童的各种兴趣入手,以各种活动为手段,在听说唱玩中进行综合能力的训练和培养.


teacher’s office , canteen, garden , playground , library .2.能够听懂指示语,并做出相应的动作:

go to the garden, water the flower .

教学重难点:本课时的重点是掌握有关学校设施的五个单词:teacher’s office , canteen, garden, playground, library 并了解它们的功能。

本课时的难点是library 中辅音连缀的发音。

课前准备:let’s learn 部分的挂图;五张单词的单词卡片;录音机和录音带。


t: hello, boys and girls.

s: hello!

t: welcome back to our school .

s: thank you .

t: look ! what’s in the classroom?

s:….a song:work and play.

is our new you like our classroom?

s:….t:how many classrooms are there in our school?


do you like our school?what else can you see in our school?where is grade two?

引导回答:it’s on the first floor.



to the tape of let’s learn.

5.用tpr教let’s do.

to the tape of let’s do.

and extension.

1. 抄写今天所学单词。

2. 听录音、仿读课文。

3. 预习p5、p12(let’s sing)


教学内容:part b let’s talk partc task time2 let’s check

教学目标:1、能在实际情景中运用一般疑问句: is this the…?

i s that the…?掌握is this the library? i s that the art room?



教学重、难点:“is this…?/is that…?”的用法。

教具准备:** cai

step1 warm-up

1、let’s chant.



两队成员依次交替说单词,最后将磁石拉向自己一方的队获胜。以此来复习library, art room , music room,tv room ,computer room等(当学生说到以下单词时,教师出示相应的**:library, art room , music room , tv room, computer room贴于黑板)

step2 presentation and practice

1、 game:变变变。

t: now let me change.教师取下两幅图:

library, art room,反面放在讲台上不断交插移动,(在讲台上隐蔽处放好另一张library, art room)趁学生不注意时换成两张library,指一张让学生猜。t: is this the library?

让学生尽情猜yes 或no ,等教师出示,引导学生回答:yes, it is. 再移动变成两张art room, 教师远离讲台上图。

t: is that the library? 让学生尽情猜yes 或no ,等教师出示,引导学生回答:

no, it isn’t.

学说认读句子:is this the library? yes, it is. is that the library? no, it isn’t.

2、 guessing game

将以上的**反贴在黑板上,t: look carefully. is this the library?

i think you can’t guess right . if your answer is right , you can clap my hand. if your answer is wrong.

can i clap you? 和教师较量学生会兴趣大增。

t: now take out you cards. play this game in pairs.同桌合作,利用手中的学生卡片玩这个游戏,猜对则打对方一下,错则被打。

3、 draw the path画路线

t: there is a ***** on your desk. please draw the path when you listen to this dialogue.

they are start from where, then go to where…学生听let’s talk 的内容,根据对话想一想,先到哪再到哪,用笔画出路线。

4、 ask ss to read after the tape and practice in pair. then act on the front.

5、 寻找图书馆。

cai出示几扇门,学生选择一扇门:is this the library ? is that the library?

来寻找图书馆。教师根据实际回答,yes, it is. no , it isn’t .

it is thetv room.等。再让两学生上来边操作边寻找。


setp 3 extension and consolidation

1、 talk about your school

请学生拿出上节课作业,发挥想象设计的学校,与人介绍学校:look! this is my school.

this is the music room. it’s on the first floor. the art room is on the second floor….


2、 let’s check

3、 完成活动手册的相应练习。

4、 “introduce the school which you design by english.” 将自己设计的学校介绍给爸爸妈妈。


教学内容:part b read and write c let’s check story time

教学目标:1、 能听、说、认读read and write部分的内容。

2、 掌握四会单词teacher’s desk, picture, floor, wall和句子is this a teacher’s desk? yes, it is.

3、 完成的听力作业,培养学生良好的听力习惯。

4、 了解的内容,鼓励学生扩展故事,表演故事。

教学重点、难点: read and write中的四会单词和句子的掌握。

教具准备:cai, pictures, word cards

教学过程:step1 warm-up

1、 let’s do. go to the garden. water the flowers.

2、 riddle

t: now we h**e a game. riddle!

there are four groups in our class. let’s name the group. apple group, orange group, peach group, grape group.

are you ready? no1: jack is in are many books in can see many students.

they are reading are quiet. where is jack? 各组竟猜,对者在该队加星,依次竟猜:

gym, canteen, teacher’s office等。

gym: there are many boys and girls in this room. they are doing some sports.

playing pingpong and badminton. where are they?

canteen: if you are hungry. you can go there and eat something.

maybe there are some noodles, rice, fish, beef and so on. what’s this?

teacher’s office: there are six people in this room. many books on the desk.

the students hand in their homework in this room? guess, what’s this?


四年级下册英语课文解析。unit 1 it s on your head 单词 new 新的 cap 帽子 in 在。里面 on 在。上面 under 在。下面 behind 在。后面 beside在。旁边 between在。中间 watch手表 glasses眼镜。重点课文 where s my ...


教学方法设计记录本。年级四年级 学科英语 版本北京版 学年 2014 2015 学期二 授课教师姓名。c类课 的突出表现。以下为课堂教学 c类课 的主要观察要素,分为学科普适性 学科独特性两部分。教师的课堂教学行为凡符合其中任意一项即被视为 c类课 一 学科普适性的。1.教学的知识目标不清晰,50 ...


四年级下学期英语期末试卷。本卷满分100分,考试时间90分钟 学校姓名学号分数听力部分 30分 一 听录音,标序号 10分 二 听音,判断与 内容相符的划 不相符画三 听录音,选择正确的答语 10分 1.a.it s on the first it s so big.2.a.f...