四年级英语上册Unit3 4单元测试

发布 2020-09-25 07:34:28 阅读 3361


unit 3shopping in the city一.单词:商店:

1. silk shop丝绸商店2. clothes shop衣服店3.

bicycle shop自行车店4. tire shop轮胎店5. tea shop茶叶店6.

bicycle department自行车商场7. book department书店8. clothes department衣服商场9.

toy department玩具厂10. department store百货商场11. mall商场。

12. grocery store杂货店地点:

1. restaurant饭店2. market市场3.

movie theatre电影院4. library图书管5. office building办公大楼职业:

1. cashier收银员2. clerk售货员3.

waiter男服务员4. waitress女服务员5. businessman男商人6.


1. cold冷的2. snowy下雪的3.

warm温暖的4. rainy多雨的5. hot热的6.

sunny晴朗的7. windy多风的8. cloudy多云的动词词组:

1. drive a car开汽车2. ride a bicycle骑自行车3.

stay home待在家4. put on a new dress穿上新裙子5. watch a movie看电影6.

eat ice cream吃冰激凌7. fly kites放风筝8. read books读书二.重点句子:

1. a:what do you want to do ?你想做什么?

b: let’s go shopping .我们去购物吧。

2. a:i want to buy a new dress.

我想要买一条新裙子。b: i don’t want to buy silk .


3. a: what do you want to buy ?

你想买什么?b: ice ream .冰激凌。

4. a: may i help you ?

我能帮助你吗?b: yes, i want to buy a dress , please.


5. let’s go to a restaurant t eat ice cream.让我们去饭店吃冰激凌。


让我们去电影院看电影。let’s go to the park to fly kites.让我们去公园放风筝。

let’s go to the library to read a book .让我们去图书馆读书。

6. a: where does a waiter work ?男服务员在**工作?

b: a waiter works in a restaurant .男服务员在饭店里工作。

a: where does a waitress work ?女服务员在**工作?

b: a waitress works in a restaurant .女服务员在饭店里工作。

7. a:where does a clerk work ?


b:a clerk works in a department store.售货员在百货商场工作。

a:where does a cashier work ?收银员在**工作?

b:a cashier works in a department store .收银员在百货商场工作。

does a businessman work ?男商人在**工作?

b:abusinessmanworksinanofficebuilding .


a: where does a businesswoman work ?女商人在**工作?

b:abusinesswomanworksinanofficebuilding .


how’s the weather ?天气怎么样?b: the weather is cold and snowy .天气寒冷而且下雪。

.let’sgoandflyakite .


b:it’ .



11. a: where are you going ?

你要去**?b: to the grocery store .

去杂货店。a:why ?

为什么?b: i want to buy some ice cream .

我想买一些冰激凌。12. a:

what are they doing ?他们正在做什么?

b: they are driving a car.他们正在开汽车。

14. a: what is she doing ?


b: she is riding a bicycle .


unit 4my f**ourites一.单词:颜色:

1. pin**色2. orange橘黄色3. purple紫色4. brown棕色5. white白色6. black黑色7. green绿色衣服:

1. shorts短裤2. shirt男衬衫3. socks袜子食物:

1. meat肉2. chicken鸡肉3.

fish鱼4. fruit水果5. vegetables蔬菜6.

noodles面条7. dumplings饺子8. soup汤9.

rice米饭10. hamburger汉堡包11. hot dog热狗12.

pizza披萨饼13. donut面包圈14. cake蛋糕15.

ice cream冰激凌16. cookies饼干动词短语:

1. play basketball打篮球2. play ping—pong打乒乓球3.

play games玩游戏4. play with toys玩玩具5. play on the computer在电脑上玩6.

draw pictures画画7. write stories写故事8. read books读书9.

sing songs唱歌二.重点句子:

1. this is a black pen .这是一只黑色的钢笔this is orange juice这是橘汁。

2. these are pink erasers .这些是粉色橡皮3. a: is this a white cat ?


b: no, it’s a brown monkey .不,它是一只棕色的猴子。

4. a: what’s your f**ourite colour ?

你最喜欢的颜色是什么?b: green is my f**ourite .


.ourf**ouritecolour is blue .


b: they like a different colour .,他们喜欢不同的颜色。

6. a: do you like shorts ?

你喜欢短裤吗?b: yes, shorts are my f**ourite clothes.



eat breakfast in the morning.我们早晨吃早饭。

we eat lunch in the afternoon.我们中午吃午饭。

we eat supper in the evening .我们晚上吃晚饭。

9. a: what’s your f**ourtie food for lunch ?你午饭最喜欢的食物是什么?

b: i like a sandwich and milk for lunch .我午饭喜欢吃一个三明治和牛奶。

what do you like to do ?你喜欢做什么?

b: i like to play basketball.我喜欢打篮球。

11. a: what’s your f**ourie school work ?你最喜欢的学校项目是什么?




紫湖镇中心小学四年级英语导学案。教研组 英语主备人 吴芹芹参与人 潘玉琳。初审人终审人 紫湖镇中心小学四年级英语导学案。教研组 英语主备人 吴芹芹参与人 潘玉林。初审人终审人 紫湖镇中心小学四年级英语导学案。教研组 英语主备人 吴芹芹参与人 潘玉琳。初审人终审人 紫湖镇中心小学四年级英语导学案。教研...


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