
发布 2020-09-22 21:11:28 阅读 1548



二、 火眼金睛。(找出下列词语中不属于同一类的词,并将字母标号填写在题前括号内)

) 1. a. doctor b. driver c. parents

) 2. a. fork b. soup c. spoon

) 3. a. school b. bedroomc. bathroom

) 4. a. bread b. dinner c. egg

) 5. a. come b. sports c. wait


) 1in the classroom?

---some desks.

a. where's b. what's c. who’s

) 2. -how many __do you h**e?


a. englishs book b. english booksc. english book

) 3. my friend __strong. he __short hair.

a. is; h**e b. is; has c. are; h**e

) 4. -what's __plus __

---it's fifty.

a. twenty three; twenty seven

b. twenty-three; twenty seven

c. twenty-three; twenty- seven

) 5are the rulers?

---two yuan.

a. how much b. where c. how many

) 6. i __french fries.

a. would b. like c. am

) 7is the boy?

---he is my brother.

a. what b. who c. where

) 8. let __clean the windows.

a. me b. i c. we

) 9is in the classroom?

-- li ping.

a. what b. where c. who

) 10. my father is __the living room.

a. in b. under c. on


1. pass me a fork. 2. sit on the sofa.

3. watch tv. 4. pass me a spoon.

5. set the table. 6. act like a baseball player.

7. act like a teacher. 8. act like a doctor.

9. make the bed. 10. wash the plates.


) 1. do you like sportsa. 3.

) 2. who's the girlb. yes, it is.

) 3. is this your roomc. it’s red.

) 4. what colour is itd. amy white.

) 5. how many people are there in your family? e. yes i do.



hello, friends. my name is rose. i'm nine. i am a student. i h**e a happy family.

look, this is a photo of my family! the old man is my grandfather. he's seventy-three.

he likes noodles. he's a farmer. my grandmother's sixty-eight.

she likes fish. she's a teacher. look at this woman.

she's my mother. she's thirty-four. she's a nurse.

she likes vegetables very much. and this man is my father. he's thirty-nine.

he likes soup. he's a driver. mary is my sister .

she is a quiet girl. they love me. i love them(他们).

1. read again and tick or cross. 读上面短文,打“√”或“×”判断句子正误。

1)there are five people in my family

2) my grandfather is a farmer. he likes noodles. (

3) my mom likes beef. she's a nurse

4) my dad is thirty-nine. he's a driver

2. read and match. 读上面短文,再连线。




2019学年第一学期期末模拟检测卷。小学四年级语文试卷。时间 90分钟 看清想好再动笔,卷面整洁得两分。一 基础 30分 1.抄写下面的字。3分 淘萎衔阁逊既震跃醉品。2.看拼音,写汉字 8分 sshy ny u 风适究儿。bzhxm oli n 渐清盛排 3.判断加点字读音是否正确,全对的打 有错...


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