
发布 2020-09-16 09:38:28 阅读 6531



课题】unit 6. an old man tried to move the mountains .

导学4 section a 4a-4c(p44)

学习目标】回顾进一步巩固section a所学内容。

预习指导】1.熟读grammar focus 内容,回复掌握要点。



1. 自主完成下列句子。

1) 故事是怎么开始的? 很久以前,有一个老翁。

2) 这个男的一说完,愚公就说在他死后他的家人会继续移山。

3) 愚公为什么尝试移山?

4) 因为山太大了以至于他们要花很长时间到另一面去。

5) 美猴王是西游记的主角。

6) 美猴王不能做什么?

7) 他不能把自己变成一个人除非他能藏住自己的尾巴。



2. 完成4c,(联系自己的实际生活)

my f**orite story is

it is interesting because


1. 从前2. 变成3. 放弃。

4. 代替5. 一。就6. 能,能够。

7. 稍微,有点8. 赞同9. 超过。

10. 对……感兴趣。

二. 用所给动词适当形式填空。

1. the story is reallyinterest), and i aminterest) in it.

2. there are twomountain) in front of our school.

3. once upon a time, there was an old manlive) in the country.

4. because she keepsdo) morning exercises, she is becoming stronger and stronger.

5. themonkey) in the trees were fighting with each other.

三. 完成句子。

1. 这首**让我想起我的童年时代。

this piece of musicmemy childhood.

2. 我将让艾伦代替你去哪儿。

i’ll let alan go thereyou.

3. don’t come to my office if i don’t telephone.(改为同义句)

don’t come to my officei telephone.

4. 孙悟空把自己变成了一块大石头。

sun wukonga big stone.


1. you will fail the exam___you work hard.

a. if b. but c. if not d. unless

2. can you tell me __there’s an english party tonight?

a. weather b. if c. until d. unless

3. he put on his jacket___he got up.

a. if b. so that c. as soon as d. unless

4. the problem was___difficult __nobody could solve it.

a. such, that b. so that c. too, to d. enough, to



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