
发布 2020-08-23 06:57:28 阅读 3182

2015新版pep六年级英语下册unit 4知识点归纳。

unit 4 then and now


dining hall 饭厅 ago 以前

gym 体育馆 …years ago …年前

grass 草坪表示 …months ago …月前

四会词 cycling 去骑自行车运动过去时间 la上个月

go cycling 去骑自行车 last year 去年-skate 滑冰 at that time 在那时

play badminton 打羽毛球

其它: star星 easy 容易的 look up 查阅 i互联网 d不同的 active 活跃的 race赛跑 nothing 没有什么 thought 想 felt 感觉 cheetah 猎豹 trip 绊倒 woke 醒 wake up 醒来

at night 在晚上 play basketball 打篮球 use the i使用互联网 wear glasses 戴眼镜 dream 梦

wace 赢得比赛 h**e a race with… 和…进行一场赛跑


there was no + 单数名词或不可数名词 + 过去时间。there was no librald school.

there were no + 复数名词 + 过去时间。there wui注意: no+ 名词相当于not a / an / any + 名词。

there weren’t any compuat all. there was no g2. 表示不喜欢的句型

i didn’t like + 名词或动名词。如:

before i didn’t like dogs. before i didn’t like beef. before i didn’t like going running表示过去不能做或不会做的句型

i couldn’t + 动词原形。 i couldn’t go cycling before. people couldn’t use the itang dyna如何描述某人过去和现在的不同情况

① 外貌和性格:before, 主语+was / were +形容词。 now,主语+am / is / are +形容词。

before i wasn’t tall. i was quiet. now i am tall.

i am activbadair. now she has long habdidn’t wear glasses. now he wears gla②能力方面:

before, 主语+couldn’t +动词原形。 now, 主语+can +动词原形。

before i couldn’t swim. now i can swim very well.

③爱好方面:before, 主语+didn’t like +名词 / 动词ing. now, 主语+like +名词 /动词ing.

bdidn’t like reading books. now he likes reading b三.重点句型:there was no librald school.


2. tell us about your school, please. 请给我们讲讲您的学校吧。

how do you know that? 你怎么知道的?i looked it ui我在网上查阅。

there wui我那时候没有电脑也没有网络。before, i was quiet. now, i’m very active in class.

以前我很安静。现在我在课堂上很活跃。i wai couldn’t ride my bike very well.

now, i go cycling every day.

我以前个子小,自行车骑得不好。现在我天天骑车。what was grandpa’s school like ?

爷爷的学校是什么样子的?how didange? 迈克是怎样改变的?

what did you dream about last night? 你昨晚梦到什么?


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