
发布 2020-08-23 05:58:28 阅读 4831


1. eat (过去式2. want(过去式。

3. see(第三人称单数4. holiday(复数。

5. good(反义词6. well(形容词。

7. one(序数词8. he**y(反义词。


)1. it is a funny storybook .

a. an interesting storybook

b. a nice storybook c. a beautiful storybook

)2.--what time is it ?

it’s half past evelen .

a. fifteen quarter c. thirty

)3. there are a lot of fish in the river .

a. many b. much c. any

)4. i went to the farm with my grendparents

a. grandpa b. grandma and grandpa c. grandma

)5. why did mike call liu tao ?

a. shout b. ask c. telephone


1. the man istalk) with his son in the zoo .

2not) close your eyes ,please .

3. fours years ago ,jimcan) not play football .

4. -wherebe) my knives ?

---theybe) on the table yesterday .

5. therebe) a lot of pepole in the cinema .

6. you can aski) some questions .

7. he usuallylisten) to music with his raido .

8. hemake) many friends last year .

9. she often doesshop) on the internet .

10. let’sfly) kites together .


)1. would you likesome milk now ?

a. drink b. to drink c. drink

)2. -what did you do on the farm ?

isome apples .

a. pick b. picked c. am picking

)3. my brother and iat some last sunday .

a. wasn’t b. weren’t c. didn’t

)4. we went to the park anda picnic .

a. h**e b. has c. had

)5. -did you visit the palace museum

a. yes , i did . b. no , i don’t . c. no, i wasn’t .

)6. we had a fashion showhere .

a. in b. at c. /

)7. tina is asking bobbythe fashion show .

a. for b. about c. to

)8. hewrite emails two years ago.

a. can b. can’t c. could

)9. i wantan e-book .

a. buy b. to buy c. bought

) isnew t-shirt?

a. you b. she’s


1. 去年这儿有些果树吗?

therefruit trees here last year ?

2. 昨晚我和家人去看了一部电影。

iamylast night .

3. 我们在农场摘了许多梨。

weaon the

4. 上课前我在操场上遇到了***。

imiss li in thebefore class .

5. 我想要把这本书给你。 i wantthe book .

6. ***举行了一个生日聚会。她邀请了许多朋友。

miss li had ashemany

7. -在时装秀上,我穿了一件纸短裙。 -那太酷了。

---iashirt in the fashion show . that’s cool .

8. -你为什么打**给我因为我想和你一起去天安门广场。

do you

---because igo to the tian’anmen square___you .

9. -你的假期过得怎样? -非常棒。

your holiday ? it was great

10.--昨天他们干什么了? -他们唱歌跳舞,还在学校举行了晚会。

did they __yesterday ?

---they___andand __a __at school .


6b unit 3 a healthy diet 知识点梳理。healthy diet 一个健康的饮食。eating sweets and ice cream 喜欢吃糖和冰淇淋。drinking water 喜欢喝水 4.drink a little water every day 每天喝一点水。5...


unit3第4课时教学设计。内容 译林版 六年级 下册unit3 主题 a healthy diet 课时 第4课时 cartoon time一 板块介绍。本板块讲述的是sam和妈妈一起去超市购物,他们买了饮料 一条大鱼和一大袋大米 回家路上,sam 直用手拿着鱼。当他们在桥上休息时,sam的手一滑...


unit 3 asking the way词汇。1.搭乘2.车站3.走,步行 4.医院。5.商店6.动物园7.车站8.太阳9 书店10.沿着,顺着11.电影院 12.超市13.满的,饱的14.结束了 15.电影。词组 1.问路2.想要去参观。3.苏海的新家4.到达。5.乘坐地铁6.上车。7.上地铁8...