六年级英语下复习 讲解版

发布 2020-08-22 18:28:28 阅读 2520



large animals (animal ) are in the playground.

be 动词是复数:作主语的名词→复数形式。

went to the hospital because a dog bit my leg.(bite)


day,sam fell into (填介词) a big hole and found some interesting things there.

fell (fall的过去式),不要和feel 混淆。

you like some (some /any ) ice cream?


is asking yangling how to get (get ) there.

方式状语:how to do sth.

about _drinking (drink) some coffee?

介词about 与what /how 连用,表示征求别人意见。+名词/代词,动词要变动名词。

can h**e some meat and vegetables in your _meals _(meal ).

meal 是可数名词:一顿,一餐。

8.makes (make ) you fat and unhealthy.

主语:不可数(单) 谓语动词:先判断句子时态。

had (h**e )some toy he has only one now.


is (be )some meat and two forks on the plate.

there be 句型:就近原则(观察最近的名词短语)

you like __to eat _(eat )sweets?

would like to do = want to do 表示想要做某事。

12. i don’t eat any (some )food in the evening.

否定句中,some 改any

13,suhai, _keep (keep) you schoolbag clean.

suhai 不是主语!无主语就是祈使句!动词用原形。

14,i only had __a glass of __a glass of /a piece of )milk this morning.


are _ three cups of tea _(three cups of tea /some fruit )on the table.

there be 句型,就近原则,后面名词用复数。

drinks (drink) a lot of tea every likes black tea.


will visit (visit )my grandparents next sunday.


has a little (a few )bread for breakfast.

a little /much + 不可数名词。

you finish (finish )your homework last night?

一般疑问句,先判断时态。无be 动词时,用助动词did,谓语动词要恢复原形。

tao will see (see )a play next week.

谓语动词:先判断句子时态。将来时:will do 或者be going to

does well at shool,he also does well at home too.

my grandpa is walking slowly in the street.(正慢慢地走)

谓语动词:先判断句子时态。正在进行时:be + 动词ing

girl has (h**e )some good habits.


boy was excited .he laughed excitedly.(excite )

excited (人的情感)激动,兴奋 exciting (场面)激烈,令人兴奋, ,

should look for a zebra crossing (cross ) first.

crossed (cross )the road and went into a bank.


27. to cross (cross ) a busy road safely (safe ),you must look at the traffic lights.

to 引导的动词不定式,目的状语前置。(作插入语)不是主语哦!

正常的句子:you must look at the traffic lights to cross a busy road safely.

him (he ),please.


mustn’t (must ) run fast on the road.


driver must look (look) at the traffic lights.

情态动词:can /could /should /would /will/ may + 动词原形。

aren’t (not be ) any (some )traffic lights here.

cold can’t (can )open the window.


is crying so sadly ,what’s the matter?(哭得伤心)

cry 是实义动词,后面用副词。

some food and water,many people here need them.


excited _,so he shouts excitedly .(excite )

is beautiful (beautiful ),and she is dancing (dance )_beautifully _(beautiful ).

be 动词/连系动词 + 形容词。


grandfather was __happy _(happy )_to see _(see )his grangson playing happily _(happy ).

be + 形容词 + to do

and bobby _are _(be )really good at __playing _(play )table tennis.

be good at sth(名词) =do well in sth 表示对某事擅长。

be good at doing(动名词) =do well in doing

be good for sth (名词) 表示对某事有好处。

be bad for sth (名词) 表示对某事有坏处。

lion bit the net.(改写成否定句)__the lion didn’t bite the net.__

bite (原形) →bit(过去式)

一般过去式的句子:改一般疑问句或者否定句(无be 动词时,助动词did 帮忙!)

want _to sleep (sleep ),because i feel _sleepy _(sleep ) now.

feel /look /sound /taste :感官动词 + 形容词。

must follow traffic rules at any time.

follow traffic rules:(固定搭配)遵守交通法规。


现在进行时。一 意义 当表示现在正在进行的动作或正在发生的事。二 构成 be am,is are 动词现在分词 ing形式。肯定句 主语 be 现在分词v ing 其他 i m doing my homework now 否定句 主语 be not 动词 ing 其他。i m not doing m...


module 1重点 学会点餐用语,注意单复数。1 can i help you?店员 我能帮助你吗?2 can you help me?客人 你能帮助我吗?3 i don t know.我 不 知道。4 here s 单数 here re 复数 给你 5 here you are 给你。6 how...


六年级英语 下 复习计划。一 学生情况分析。这个学年我担任六年级一个班的教学任务,班级有40人。六年级的课程任务主要是让学生能听说认读一些描述性的英语单词,掌握一定的语法,并在一定的情境中能说日常交际用语。六年级下册所学的知识是是小学阶段比较综合性的,和以前学习的知识有密切的联系,而且有一定难度的,...