
发布 2020-08-19 07:59:28 阅读 2107

6a unit 2 ben’s birthday




1. birthday 生日 , ben’s birthday 本的生日。

2、when 什么时候;何时 when’s=when is

3. date 日期 (短语):what date 几月几日。



1 one 第1 first11 eleven 第11 eleventh

2 two 第2 second12 twelve 第 12 twelfth

3 three 第3 third13 thirteen 第 13 thirteenth

4 four 第4 fourth14 fourteen 第 14 fourteenth

5 five 第5 fifth15 fifteen 第 15 fifteenth

6 six 第6 sixth20 twenty 第 20 twentieth

7 seven 第7 seventh 21twenty-one 第21 twenty-first

8 eight 第8 eighth 22 twenty-two 第22 twenty-second

9 nine 第9 ninth30 thirty 第 30 thirtieth

10 ten 第10 tenth60 sixty 第 60 sixtieth



第一1st 第二 12th )

5、month 月份 (形、音近词 mouth),复数为months.

january 一月 april 四月 july 七月 october 十月。

february 二月 may 五月 august 八月 november十一月。

march 三月 june 六月 september 九月 december 十二月。

在几月份用介词in表示,如:在五月 in may,同时注意月份的写法,开头第一个字母要大写。

6、(日期)几月几日表达法:6月1日: the first of june (the 1st of june)

2月23日: the twenty-third of february (the 23rd of february)

在7月12日: on the twelfth of july

7、present 礼物,复数presents,易混词parent,一定要注意区分音和形。

8、as 介词作为,当做 as a birthday present 作为(一件)生日礼物。as…as…和……一样。

9、costume 全套服饰,戏装复数costumes

10、take off 脱去(衣服,帽子等) take off his costumes脱下他的戏服反义词 put on

11、vcd 名词,影视光碟,注意是缩写形式,字母都应大写,复数vcds.

12、aladdin 人名阿拉丁神话《一千零一夜》中的人物。

13、doorbell 门铃复数doorbells

14、candle 蜡烛复数candles

15、blow out 吹灭 blow out the candles 吹灭蜡烛。


1.when’s your birthday ?


my birthday is on ….


2. what would you like as a birthday present ?


i’d like …


1.i’d like(缩写形式)=i would like (完全形式)

我想要 = i want…

i’d like to = i would like to

我想要做某事 =i want to …

would like 想要的意思。可用于表示邀请,后面如果要加动词,就用would like to +动词原形。

例 :(1) i’d like some balloons. (一般疑问句提问)would you like some balloons?

=i want some balloons . 一般疑问句提问) do you want some balloons ?

(2) i’d like to watch tv . 一般疑问句提问) would you like to watch tv?

i want to watch tv . 一般疑问句提问) do you want to watch tv?

2、介词in. on at的用法。

in常用在年份,月份,季节前, 也可用在上午,下午和晚上前。

例如:in 1997 在2024年 in spring 在春季 in may 在五月

in the moring 在上午 in the afternoon 在下午 in the evening 在晚上。

on 表示具体在某一天,常用在具体的一天前。

例如:on monday 在星期一 on the first of march 在三月一日。

on saturday morning 在星期六的早上 (因为是具体到某一天的早上,因此不能用in而用on.)

at 用在时刻前

例如:at ten o'clock在十点钟。



)1. a. september b. november c. february

)2. a. on friday b. on thursday c. on tuesday

)3. a. oct. 3 b. mar.1 c. may. 1

)4. a. take b. date c. day

)5. a. twentieth b. twenty c. twelve

)6. a. mayb. wayc. away


)1. a. it’s friday. b. it’s three o’clock. c. it’s the 15th of march.

)2. a. it’s tuesday. b. it’s the 8th of it’s on the 9th of july.

)3. a. puzzleb. thank you. c. i like them very much.

)4. a. yes, i am. b. happy birthday. c. sure.

)5. a. no, you don’t. b. yes, i amc. yes, i do.

三、听录音,完成句子 。

1.__is your birthday ? my birthday is __the third of september.

would you like __a birthday present? ia __

hisbirthday ?

birthday is onof march.

___is it today ?


1. 九月12号6. h**e a birthday party

2.谈论 school

3.中国**片 a birthday present

4.把钞票捡起 birthday to you

5. 吹灭蜡烛 off his costumes


)1. what___is it today? it’s the third of february.


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