
发布 2020-08-18 13:17:28 阅读 4392




) b. pearl c. nurse

)2. a .bike b. nice c. rice

) b. once c .three times

( )4. a. fourteen b. fifty c. forty

( )5. a. slower b. dollar c. color

( )6. a. go dancingb. go swimming c .go fishing

( )7. a. a box of tissues b. a bag of chips c. a bottle of shampoo

( )8. a. ride a bike b. take a plane c. take a subway

( )9. a. does she ever take the subway to school?

b. does he ever take the taxi to school?

c. does she ever take the car to school?

( )10. a. how much are your shoes?

b. how often do you go fishing?

c. how do you get to work?


) 1, a. twice a month b. it’s $35. c. that’s cheap.

)2, a yes, i did. b. yes, he does. c. yes, we are.

)3. a. twice a week. b. an elephant. c. it’s 14 yuan.

)4. often go swimming. b. yes, i did. c. yes, he did..

)5. a. the turtle is faster. b the elephant is bigger. c. i’m faster.

)6. a. i am going o buy a piece of candy. b. she’s going to buy some socks.

c they got a bag of chips.

) 7. i sometimes take a taxi . b.

she usually takes a bus. c they always take a subway.

) 8. a cat. hippo c an elephant..

)9,a. yes, he did. b. yes, i do. c. no, they, didn’t.



a: what did you __yesterday?

b:i __to yihuashoppingmall,a: what did you

b: i __two __of ice cream. it’s $4.

a: that’s __


often does your brother go hiking? he __go)hiking once a week.

muchbe) these socks? they’re 5dollar)

did you __get) at the store? iget) a bottle of shampoo.

isbig),an elephant or a hippo?

5,how much are theglass)? they___be)30___yuan)

6 the plane is __fast)__the train.

7, let___we)__walk) to that house.

8,which is___fat),tony___jenny?


modle1: i sometimes go swimming?

1, peter/ usually/ go skating

2,my / brother/always/go fishing

modle2 : which is smaller, the cat or the dog ?the cat is the smaller.

1 fast /the / subway/ the / plane.

2 big / the / dog / the / tiger



a. do you like a bottle of shampoo? b. how much is the bottle of shmpoo?

c. how many shampoos are there?


a. great idea. b. i h**e a good idea. c. i go hiking once a week.


a. let’s go hiking. b. let’s go swimming . c let’s go shopping.

4. 你想知道朋友多长时间打一次篮球,你问:

a how often do you play basketball?b how much is the basketball?

c how often do you play soccer?


a what do you h**e? b do you h**e any envelops? c do ypu h**e any stamps?


)1、__your birthday? it’s may1st.

a 、what’s b、when’s c、where’s

)2、is the elephantyes, it is.

a 、big b、bigger c、smaller

)3、do you like___

a 、hike b、hiking c、go hiking

)4、which isa turtle or a snail?

a 、faster b、fast c、slow

)5、he’s fast but i will be

a 、fast b、faster c、slow

)6、-my brother never __shopping in the evening.

a 、goes b、go c、going

) 7、__ben love swimming?

a 、is b、do c、does

五、连词成句 (10分)

1. are , how , those, socks , much (

is, the, fifty, skateboard(.)

3. a, is, hat, it, magic (?


洛河镇中心小学2016 2017学年第二学期。期中测试试卷分析。教师 六年级科目 英语班级 六年级。时间。测试内容。1 2单元。六年级共25人,考试人数25人,男生14人,女生11人,男女生比例比较。基本情况。均匀,大部分学生懒惰成性,学习习惯差,学习积极性不高,基础知识薄弱,七八个学生特别差,本次...


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