
发布 2020-08-18 12:59:28 阅读 3598


一. 连线(将下列英语单词与相应的汉语连接起来)( 10分)





h**e a headache更年轻的。


laugh at高兴的。

h**e a sore throat更矮的



二. 英汉互译 ( 10分)

1.he**ier2. 牙痛。


5.感冒,伤风6 .funnier __

h**e a rest __

9.疼痛的 __


反义词复数原级比较级 比较级单三)__

比较级 (反义词)__完整形式10. know (同音词。

四 . 读一读,选择正确的答句。( 20分 )

1. does she teach matha. i‘m 160 cm tall .

2 .how tall are youb. she is angry .

3. how does amy feelc. i am going to visit kunming .

are you going on your holiday ? d. yes , she does .

5 .can you see the white in , please

6 .how old is you unclef . nice to see you too

7. may i come am from china .

8. nice to see youh. i am sick . i h**e a fever .

9 .where are you fromi . i don’t know .

10. what’s the matter ,mikej . no ,i can’t .

五 .选择填空 。(20 分 )

1.my eyes __than __

a .are bigger , hers b. is bigger , her c. are bigger , her

2. what’s the weather like today ?

a. it’s fineb. yes , it’s a warm today . c. no , it’s cold .

3. amy is taller thanbut i’m stronger than __

a . i , she b. me ,her c. her , him

4. i’m __than you .

a . old b. young c. younger

5. how long is your bed ?

a. my bed is 160cm. long . b. her bed is 160cm. long .

c .my room is 30 square meters .

6. linda __a twin brother and she is __than him .

a. is , taller b .has , tall c. has taller you

7. who goes to school earlier

a .you and john b. you or john c. you with john

8. she __reading a book .

a .are b. am c. is

9. mr black __fast and he likes __very much .

a .run , run b. runs , running c. running , running

10. the primary school is about two kilometer___here .

a .far from b. far away from c. away from

六.按要求完成句子。( 10 %

1. what do you do if you h**e a cold ? 根据你自己的实际情况回答)

am twelve years old .(对划线部分提问)

wear size 20 .(对划线部分提问)

goes to bed at nine in the evening .(改为否定句)

5. feel , john , does , hits , his , ball ,when , head , the, how . 连词成句。

七。根据上下文,从所给的七个句子中选择五个句子,将对话补充完整,并将该选项前面的字母编号写在相应的横线上( 10% )

a. where is it? b. is it near? c. good bye. d. is it far from here?

e. can i go by bike? f. h**e a good time.

g. what do you usually do on sunday, sarah?

ab: i usually read books in yucai bookstore.

a: oh, really

b: it’s behind the people’s park.

ab: yes. it’s only 5 minutes walk.

ab: sure, if you like. but you must see the traffic lights.

there are 2 traffic lights there.

a: i see. thank you.

b: you’re welcome

a: thank you.


2013年春期六年级英语期中测试题。听力部分 20分 一 听录音,选择正确的汉语翻译。10分 今天的天气怎么样?b.明天的天气怎么样?三月十二号植树节。b.三月十二号去植树。我要成为一位工人。b.我要去工作。六三班在一楼b.三六班在一楼。你们班谁跑得最快?b.你们三个谁跑得最快?二 听录音,填入所缺...


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