
发布 2020-08-17 15:54:28 阅读 2639




)今天的天气怎么样? b.明天的天气怎么样?

)三月十二号植树节。 b.三月十二号去植树。

)我要成为一位工人。 b.我要去工作。


)你们班谁跑得最快? b.你们三个谁跑得最快?


1. i don’t likeat all,i like

2. my classroom is on thefloor.

3. who’s the one in thehe is tom.

4. when i grow up, i will be ai’lla big school.

5. i am the in our class.

6. eve is walking a .

7. i am a



1. big(比较级比较级。

3. nine(序数词4. twelve(序数词。

5. fat(最高级现在分词。



11、they(宾格12、sun (形容词。

13、cold(反义词14、know (同音词。




5、圣婴6、flow away

7. cut down8、a friend of mine

9、great changes10、not…at all


( )1、 a、middle b、fifth c、five

) 2、 a、put b、run c、hut

) 3、 a、three b、third c、there

) 4、 a、snow b、how c、shout

) 5、 a、hot b、so c、box


) is one ofcountries in the world.

a. largest b. the largest c. larger

) are very important the people.

a. to b. for c. on

) sister iswith her teacher.

a. talking b. talk c. speak

) am going to go out to the monkey, but i cannot it.

a. find…look for b. look for…find c. look…find

) fun to walk snow.

a. in c. on

) will be tomorrow.

a. sun b. wind c. rainy

) make the lakes full water.

b. in c. on

)8. what is today’s date?--it’s

a. march 26 b. 3rd april c. may 5th

) the wind comes, the rain will rain.

a. strong…big b. strong…he**y c. he**y…strong

) and trees can stop the wind from earth and sand.

a. flowing away b. blow up c. blowing up

) is the month in a year.

a. tenth b. eleventhc. eighth

) bag is bigger ,yours or

) gets on one of .

) fineit?

) isstudent?

a. eight eighth

) girl the red shirt is lucy.

a. )17、who isjane,eve or lulu ?

a、oldest b、the oldest c、older

)18、it rain tomorrow.

a、isb、will be c、will

)19、 pen is yours ? the red one.

a、what b、whose c、which

)20、she is taller than me.

a、more b、too c、much

)21、 his way,he meets a little monkey.

a、inb、at c、on


1、it’s in the first floor

a b c2、who run fastest in their class

a b c3、what the weather like today

ab c4、i am not like winter at all

a bc5、a friend of my comes up

a b c八、按要求做题。(10分)

1、it will be hot tomorrow.( 变一般疑问句)

2、the lab is on the fourth floor .(划线部分提问)

3、he is the fattest boy in his class. (划线部分提问)

4、dongdong likes spring. (改为否定句)


2011年春季学期六年级英语期中试卷。一 连线 将下列英语单词与相应的汉语连接起来 10分 shorter头痛。younger喉咙痛。think无聊的,烦人的。happy因 而发笑。h e a headache更年轻的。bored想,思考。laugh at高兴的。h e a sore throat更...


一 汉语拼音基础知识 15分 1 看拼音写词语 6分 z x n ku w x n p ng b c r n r zh 2 给加点字注音 5分 擅长浏览洗涤倔强翘首 3 看拼音写词语 4分 bo h m q n h l z i d n d i,n z i qi n zi.二 字词知识 20分 1 给...


2015年春季期小学六年级语文下册。期中检测试题分析。金田莫龙小学。纵观整张试卷卷面内容,共分为三大类型题,分别是 积累与运用,阅读题和习作题。第一大题是积累与运用,分为12个小题,分值是45分。第1小题是看拼音写词语,很多同学会读拼音,但不会写汉字,或写别字,造成失分 第2小题是多音字组词,平常练...