六年级总复习英语综合练习 八份

发布 2020-08-17 18:19:28 阅读 6830


unit one a卷答案。

听力部分。一 1、yestday 2、was 3、star 4、spaceship 5、cat

二 1、astronaut 2、dream 3、dog 4 mars、5、name

三 1、what is your name? f 2、my name is ann . t 3、my name is peter. t

4、good morning. f 5、i am mocky. t

四。1、d**id 2、ball 3、earth 4、baby 5、apple

笔试部分。一 1、orange 2、right 3、run 4、禁止抽烟5、不要随地扔垃圾。

二、 1、lake 2、ant 3、bag 4、potato 5、cake

三、 1、③ 2、① 3、⑤ 4、④ 5、②



颜色、)五、1、a 2、a 3、a 4、 b 5、a

六、1、a 2、b 3、a 4、a 5、a


unit one b卷答案。

听力部分。一 1、plant 2、moon 3、last ningt 4、air 5、monkey

二 1、desk 2、pen 3、apple 4、coat 5、donkey

三 1、what is your name? f 2、my name is ann . t 3、my name is peter. t

4、good morning. f 5、i am mocky. t

四。1、snake 2、ball 3、keyboard 4、computer 5、apples、 5、正确)

笔试部分。一 1、snake 2、key 3、circle 4、禁止停车5、不**的事。

二、 3—1—2—5—4

三、 1 3 5 4 2



颜色、)五、b a a a b

六、a a b b a


unit two a卷。

一、 二、1.—hi, chen jie. what day is it today?

today is tuesday.(b)

2. —what do you do on sundays, sarah?

i often play ping-pong.(c)

3. —hi, mike. do you h**e chinese today?

no. we h**e chinese on monday, wednesday, thursday and friday.(b)

4. —hello! john. what do you h**e on friday?

i h**e english, math and social studies.(a)

5. —hi! sarah. let’s go and play ping-pong.

oh, sorry. i often play ping-pong on sundays. i h**e to do my homework today.(a)

三、kate is a new student. she is twelve. she is from america.

her father is a doctor. she is in a school near her home. she has classes from monday to friday.

she loves china and her chinese friends.

ii 笔试部分。


二、a: curtain 垃圾箱 cook the meals 浇花。

trash bin 窗帘 water the flowers 扫地。

closet衣橱 sweep the floor 打扫卧室。

mirror床头橱 clean the bedroom 洗碗碟。

end table 镜子 do the dishes做饭。

三、 四、bcbaa bbcca

五、1. h**e, friday on lunch, eggplant, potatoes cook

六、1. can you use a computer? 2. come and look at my new curtains.

3. there is a forest in my village. 4. it’s near the door.

5. can you set the table?

七、 kitchen, bathroom, living room bed, closet end


unit two b卷。

听力部分。一、listen and number.

1. i’m can make the bed.

2. —what would you like for lunch ?

—i’d like some mutton .

3. there is a lake in the forest.

4. in my room. i h**e a trash bin.

5. —what do you do on sundays ?

—i often do homework at home .

二、listen and choose

1、—what’s your computer teacher like?

—he is young and active.

the question: what’s your computer teacher like?

2、—where is the mirror?

—it’s near the closet.

the question: where is the mirror?

3、—what do you h**e for lunch today?

—i h**e cabbage and fish today.

the question: what do you h**e for lunch today?

4、—are you helpful at home?

—yes. i can put away the clothes.

the question: what can you do?

5、i like apples, they are sweet.

the question: what’s your f**ourite?

三、listen and number

a: are you helpful at home, chen jie?

b: sure.

a: what can you do?

b: i can sweep the floor. i can cook the meals.

a: great! you’re helpful.


二、 meals

三、 四、

五、bcbdb bdaba

六、1e 2a 3d 4c 5b

七、 can you do ? can set the table. you water the flowers?

can make the bed. can sweep the floor?

八、 away the clothes can can wash the clothes

can do the dishes 5. he can do the dishes


unit three a卷。


1.farm 2.people 3.collected 4.wallet 5.holiday


1. i h**e got a mirror at christmas.

2. my f**ourite holiday is easter.

3. whose cd walkman is it?

4. look at the sign on the wall. it means ‘no parking’.

5. i tasted some oranges last sunday.


1. a: whose diary is it, ben?

b: it’s mine.

is christmas?

3. what did mike do last weekend?


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