
发布 2020-07-23 11:55:28 阅读 9993



一、 为下列**选择正确的单词,将其序号填入**下方的括号内。(10分)


1. xiaoyongbring)us lots of joy yesterday.

sun is __shine ).

at the girl. she is __cry ).

on __practise)english.

october 2003, yang liwei___spend)about twenty one hours in space.


) wishesa.休息一下。

) problemb.许多。

) card c.榜样。

) a restd.最美好的祝愿。

) oute.没问题。

) modelf.图书卡。

) mistakes g.生日卡片。

) loth.发现;弄清。

) card i.犯错误。

) lantern festival j.元宵节。


) planned __baseball.

b. to play

) going totomorrow.

a. be snow c. snow

) doing morning exercises,__it gets hot.

) grandma lived __ninety.

a. to be b. be to c. to

) very little english last year.

a. speak

)6. it’s __birthday today.

a. daming b. daming’s c. damings’

) made lots of mistakes __english.

a. to b. with c. of

)8 .i’m proud __my school.

a. to

) birds are __away.

a. fly c. flying

) you___your present.

a. for b. of c. about


) want a glass __milk ,please.

) do you want __eat?

) h**e lunch __half past twelve.

) is walking __the park.

) put the cups __their heads and laughed more.


a. he is eating , but the bell rings.

b. lingling is writing goodbye letters to her friends.

c. the ducks are swimming on the pond.

d. amy is wearing a dress because she is going to the theatre.

e. my mother and i met my father at the airport and we were happy.


a crow (乌鸦)is sitting in a big tree. she has a big piece of meat in her mouth.“my babies will h**e a nice breakfast.

”she thinks.

an old fox(狐狸) is looking for (寻找)his breakfast . he sees the crow and the meat. “how can i get that piece of meat ?

”he thinks.

good morning ,mrs crow.”says the fox .“how are you ?”

but the crow doesn’t say a word.

you h**e very nice babies,mrs crow. how are they? may i see them?”

still , the crow doesn’t say a word.

you are very beautiful, mrs crow. and you h**e a beautiful voice too.”says the fox.

“will you sing a song for me ?”

mrs crow thinks, “how nice mr fox is ! i must sing him a song .”so she opens her mouth, “caw !

caw !(乌鸦的叫声) ”down drops (掉下)the meat into the fox’s mouth.

) crow hasin her mouth.

a . an apple piece of bread

piece of meat

) old fox is looking for __

a. his breakfast child

c. his cake

) fox says “good morning ”to the crow. does the crow say anything?

does. b. no,she doesn’t. don’t know.

) crow opens her mouth to

)5.__gets the meat last.

a. the crow’s babies b. the fox



unit 2 what s the matter with you?四会单词。发烧喉咙疼。感冒牙疼。头疼事情。麻烦疼的。疼痛鼻子。兴奋的生气的。高兴的无聊的。烦人的忧伤的,悲伤的。疲劳的,累的。四会句型 怎么了。我喉咙疼。我鼻子疼。你好吗,刘云。你看起来很高兴。你好吗,sarah?今天,你看起来很难...


unit 2 what s the matter with you?四会单词。发烧喉咙疼。感冒牙疼。头疼事情。麻烦疼的。疼痛鼻子。兴奋的生气的。高兴的无聊的。烦人的忧伤的,悲伤的。疲劳的,累的。四会句型 怎么了。我喉咙疼。我鼻子疼。你好吗,刘云。你看起来很高兴。你好吗,sarah?今天,你看起来很难...

六年级英语毕业总复习概念 时态

六年级英语毕业总复习 一 之一般现在时。class name number一 一般现在时 概念 表示现在经常反 生的动作 存在的状态或习惯性的动作的时态。它经常与时间状语 频度副词 often usually always sometimes never 从不 every 每个 连用。二 一般现在时...