
发布 2020-08-16 08:26:28 阅读 5692

unit 1 how tall are you?

period 1 section a let’s learn do a survey and report p5

教师寄语:(i study english , i’m happy.)

learning aims(学习目标) 新|课 |标 |第 |一| 网。

1.掌握四会单词:younger, older, taller, shorter, longer。

2.能认读句型:how tall are you ? i’m older than me..

important &difficult points(重难点)


难点是;how tall are you ? i’m shorter than me..的理解和运用。

导学**。step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)



5. long___6. thin___7. how many___8. how old___

step 2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)

1. 请两个孩子到讲台上t:how old are you? x|k | b | 1 . c|o |m

s1: i’m 11years oldt: you are young. (板书young)

s2: i’m 12 years oldt: you are young, too.

t: who is youngers1: i’m younger(板书younger)

t: who is olders2: i’m older.(板书old_older)

t: yes, s1 is younger than s2. s2 is older than s1.

t: say i’m tall.(做手势) s1: i’m tall. s2: i’m tall,too (板书tall)

t: who is taller? who is shorter? ss:s1 is taller , s2 is shorter.

老师再拿两把长短不一的直尺教会longer, shorter,than.

2. 使用准备好的单词卡片巩固新单词和学习meter。

eg: one meter, two meters, 1.61 meters, 4.76meters

3. t:how tall are you?

s:i’m … t: help the students to answer :

i’m …meters. t:say a is taller than b.

b is shorter than a.

4. 小组反复操练以上句型。

5. let’s learn page 5. 听录音,仿读单词和对话。

step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)

1. 领读let’s learn 中的句子。并纠正读音。

2. t:how tall is zhang pengs:he is 1.61 meters.

t:who is older zhang peng or john? s: zhang peng.

t: zhang peng is taller and older than john. 新课标第一网。


:do a survey and report.(学生反复操练)


step 4. 达标检测(用时5分钟)




young __short __tall __old __


复数)__foot (复数)__mouse (复数)__


) 1. 我有1.61米高可以说:

am 1.61 meters. am 1.61 meter.

) 2. 你比我大,可以说:

are old than me. are older than me.

) 3. 你比我矮,可以说:http://w ww. xk b1. com

are shorter than me. are short than me.

四、 找出ⅱ栏中与ⅰ栏中相对应的答语,把标号填入提前括号。

) 1. how are h**e fifteen..

) 2. how tall are you ? b. i’m 15 years old.

) 3. how old are you ? c. i’m fine.

) 4. how many books do you h**e? d. i’m 1.49 meters.


step 5.安排当堂作业。

1. 课后默写younger, older, taller, shorter, longer, thinner than ,meter

2. 课后背诵p5 let’s learn

板书标题 unit 1how tall are you?

let’s learn do a survey and report p5

板书内容设计:younger older taller

shorter longer

how tall are you ?

i’m 1.61meters.

you’re older than me.


period 2 section a let’s try let’s talk p4


1、能听懂、会说单词:hall, meter/metre ,than, both

how tall is it? maybe 4 meters. that’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall.

it’s taller than both of us together .并能在情景中运用。

2.能听懂let’s try,并完成任务。


能听懂、会说that’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall. it’s taller than both of us together . how tall are you ?

i’m 1.65cmeters.并能在情景中运用。

导学**。step1 : 预习温故(用时6分钟)



t: how tall are you? ss: i’m…meters.

t: who is taller? s: i’m taller than… s: i’m shorter than…

step 2. 新课内容展示(用时18分钟)

1. let’s try:listen to the tape and circle

1. )the first dinosaur eats___a. vegetables b. meat

2. )the___dinosaur is taller. a. first b. second

2.教读板书下列单词和重点句子:dinosaur , that’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall.

it’s taller than both of us together .

how tall are youi’m 1.65cmeters.

3. let’s learn page 5. 听录音,分角色读对话。

4 .ask the students to read the dialogue 4times.

t: what are zhang peng and mike talking about?

s: they are talking about the dinosaurs.

t: how tall is zhang peng ?

s:he is 1.65 meters.

t: who is taller,zhang peng or the small dinosaur?

s: zhang peng.


step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时6分钟)


提示:tallest 是tall的最高级。more 是many的比较级。


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