外研社新标准英语六年级下册1 3模块知识点及练习

发布 2020-08-16 07:42:28 阅读 9759


模块一。1. what do you want? 你想要点什么?

1 “what”特殊疑问词,对事或物进行提问。

2 “want”的用法,“want”可以直接加名词,也可以接动词。

3 “want to do sth.” 意为“想要做某事”,want to eat想要吃,want to drink想要喝。

2. is it really a dog? 它真的是一条狗吗?

1) 原句= is hot dog really a dogis it…? yes, it is. /no, it isn’t.

3. it looks good!它看起来很好!

1)“it”是单三形式,动词用单数形式。 look(单数形式) looks. (2) “it” 指代热狗,原句= the hot dog looks good.

4. can i help you? 我能帮助你吗? 同义:what can i do for you? 我能为你做点什么? can+动词原形。

5. and to drink? 喝点什么呢? 还可以说:and what do you want to drink?你们想喝点什么?

6. that’s two hamburgers, a hot dog and three colas.


7. how much is it? 多少钱?

1) “money金钱”不可数名词,应用“how much”来提问。

how much +is +单数? how much is the hot dog? how much +are +复数?

how much are the hamburgers?

how many+可数复数 how many apples do you want? how much+不可数 how much juice do you want?

8. it’s thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.十三美元二十五美分。 dollars和cents用复数。

9. it’s ten yuan. 十元钱。 yuan元, jiao角, fen分, 没有复数形式,后面都不加s.

10. food(食物): hot dog 热狗, hamburger汉堡, chicken鸡肉, fish鱼, noodles面条, rice米饭,

vegetable蔬菜,sandwich三明治,biscuit饼干,egg鸡蛋,ice cream冰激凌,pear梨,orange橘子,apple苹果,banana香蕉,watermelon西瓜。

11. drinks(饮料): juice果汁,milk牛奶,cola可乐,tea茶, water水。

模块二。1. we are going to h**e a picnic in the park.我们将在公园里野餐。

主语+be going to+动词原形+…,一般将来时的肯定句的构成。

2. when are we going to eat?我们将在什么时候吃饭?

1) “when”特殊疑问词,对时间进行提问,可以指具体的时间点,也可以指一段时间范围内的时间。

2) “what time”只指具体的时间点。

when are we going to read books? –tomorrow morning. 此处不能用“what time”.

what time do you get up? =when do you get up? -at seven o’clock.

3. what time is it? 现在几点了? 同义句:what’s the time?

4. what are we going to do? 我们将要准备做什么呢?

5. let’s go.让我们走吧。 let’s +动词原形。 let’s play chess.

6. the ducks are eating our picnic. 鸭子们正在吃我们的野餐。 主语+be+现在分词(doing)

7. it will snow in harbin. 哈尔滨将会下雪。 it will be warm and sunny in dalian. 大连将会晴朗。

it will + 动词:rain下雨,snow下雪

it will + be+ 形容词:windy有风的, cloudy多云的 , sunny晴朗的, rainy 多雨的,snowy 有雪的。

warm暖和的, hot炎热的,cool凉爽的,cold寒冷的。


1、短语:an interesting day有趣的一天 on saturday在星期六 .h**e a picnic野餐 .

in the park在公园里 send photos寄** in the tree(s)在树上 look at...看。look hungry看起来饿了 in the sky在天空 under the tree在树下 in the water在水里 look out of...

向。外面看 on the train在火车上 wear a big hat戴一顶大帽子 in this photo在这张**里。

二。句型:1. i had a very interesting day on saturday.上个星期六我玩的很开心。


yesterday, last year, an hour ago, just now等等。动词要用其过去式。】

2. i am sending some photos.我正在给你寄**。

“am sending”是现在进行时态,表示现在正在进行或发生的动作。其结构:be(动词ing的形式。


如:i am watching tv now.我正在看电视。

be的变化:i+ am,you+are,she/he/it +is,we/they/you +are;】

再如:he is playing.他正在玩。 练习:他们正在做什么?他们正在跳舞。

3. i miss everyone in china.我思念在中国的每一个人。

in china是一个介词短语,在这儿作定语,修饰everyone,指“在中国的每一个人”】

4. 必背句型。

in this photo, the sun is shining. the birds are singing in the tree. 在这张**里,阳光明媚。


what are you doing? 你在做什么? i’m cleaning my room. 我正在打扫我的房间。

5. 现在进行是中动词ing形式变化。

1) 一般的动词在后边直接加ing如:play – playing

2) 去e加ing的有些需要记: write 写 use 使用 h**e 拥有,度过 take 带 dance 跳舞 live 居住

ride 骑车 give 给 come 来 shine 发光,照耀 drive 驾驶 change 改变 le**e 离开。

3) 还有双写末尾辅音字母的你能记住吗?

put –putting 放下 sit-sitting 坐下shop-shopping 购物 swim-swimming 游泳。



) 1. a. i want a hamburger. b. i want a cola. c. it’s nine dollars.

) 2. a. a hamburger and a cola.

b. at half past twelve. c.

it’s going to rain soon.

) 3. a. yes, it isb. no, it isn’t c. it’s a hot dog

) 4. a. i want some chicken. b. i want a cola. c. no, it isn’t.

) 5. a. you are in harbin. b. in 2010 c. they’re my parents.


) went to sichuan with her uncle mark.

) tuesday,sarah played with her little sister.

) climbed a mountain with her mother.

) bought many presents for her good friends.

) family went to sichuan for 6 days.

笔试部分。一. 语音。找出划线部分读音与众不同的单词。(5)

)1. a. big b. six c. nice d. miss

)2. a. work b. wall c. whose d. watch

)3. a. sorry b. brother c. some d. does

)4. a. hear b. pear c. ear d. near

)5. a. map b. stamp c. face d. cat


外研社新标准英语六年级下册模块6 7知识点及测试题

六模块知识点。一 动词原形及过去式。thank thanked谢谢 show showed给 看 ask asked邀请,要求 finish finished完成 decide decided决定 buy bought购买 am,is was是 get got得到 see saw看见 learn l...


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