外研社新标准英语六年级下册模块6 7知识点及测试题

发布 2020-08-16 07:41:28 阅读 7263



thank-thanked谢谢 show-showed给…看… ask-asked邀请,要求 finish-finished完成 decide-decided决定 buy—bought购买 am, is-was是 get-got得到 see-saw看见 learn-learnt学习 bring-bought拿来 give-g**e给 make-made制作 take-took带 say-said说 do-did做 put-put放 hang-hung挂 go-went去


welcome home欢迎回家 on the earth在地球上 in space在太空 space tr**el太空旅行 pictures of ….的** bring back带回 a ***** spaceship一艘纸质宇宙飞船 the name of ……的** a chinese spaceship一艘中国宇宙飞船 a chinese taikonaut一位中国宇航员 in 2003在2023年 for the first time第一次 the national flag of… 某国的国旗 in the basket在篮子里 on the bike在自行车上 a model of ….的模型

a book aboutit was a book about space tr**el. 一本关于太空旅行的书。

be interested indaming is very interested in space tr**el.大明对太空旅行很感兴趣。

buy +人+物 = buy +物+for+人 simon’s mum bought him a present.= simon’s mum bought a present for him.


get …fromhe got many presents from his family. 他从他的家人那里得到很多礼物。

show + 人+ 物daming showed simon his birthday present. 大明给西蒙看了他的生日礼物。

ask + 人 + to dodaming asked him to read the book with him.大明邀请他和他一起读书。

decide to dothen they decided to make a ***** spaceship.然后他们决定制作一艘纸质宇宙飞船。

give + 人 + 物 = give + 物 +to + 人 they g**e the spaceship to simon’s mum.他们把宇宙飞船给了西蒙的妈妈。

thank + 人 + fordaming thanked her for the birthday present. 大明感谢她的生日礼物。

take+人、物+ to + 地点it took us to the earth.它带我们去了地球。

take+人/物+ into + 地点it took a chinese taikonaut into space for the first time.它首次搭载了一名中国宇航员进入太空。



watch-watched看 live-lived活着 spend-spent度过 come-came来 are-were是 can-could能 meet-met迎接 fly-flew飞 become-became变成 draw-drew画 teach-taught教 write-wrote写 tr**el-tr**elled旅行 h**e-had拥有。


look at看 a long time ago很久以前 in october 2003 在2023年10月 do a lot of work做很多工作 herself她自己someday有朝一日 make a video制作** go to the airport去机场 go into进入 at the airport在机场

write a book写一本书 all over the world全世界 shake his hand握手 on saturday在星期六

fly to i flew to the earth in it a long time ago. 很久以前我乘坐它飞到了地球。

fly into in october 2003, my father flew into space in shenzhou v.在2023年8月,我的父亲乘神舟五号飞入太空。

come back to then he came back to the earth.然后他回到了地球。

be proud of i was very proud of him.我为他感到自豪。

be born in helen keller was born in the us in 1880.海伦凯勒于2023年出生在美国。

couldn’t = could not she couldn’t see or hear.她既看不见也听不见。

teach +人+ to do she drew letters in helen’s hand and taught her to spell.她在海伦的手里写字母,教她拼单词。

learn to dolater helen learnt to read, write and speak.之后海伦学习了阅读,写作和交谈。

live to be+年龄 she lived to be eighty-seven.她活到了87岁。

a role model for...she is a role model for blind people, and also for you and me.她是盲人的榜样,也是你我的榜样。

spend + 时间 he spent about twenty-one hours in pace.他在太空中度过了21个小时。

where was he born? 他在**出生? when were you born? 你何时出生的?


一、 英汉互译。



born in___a book about role model for

***** him a present



过去式)__过去式)__形容词4. become(过去式) 5. fly(过去式)__第三人称单数过去式)__形容词9. look(第三人称单数)__

10. bought(动词原形)__过去式)__序数词)__过去式。


外研社新标准英语六年级下册1 3模块知识点及练习

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