
发布 2020-03-06 22:30:28 阅读 5047

2014-2015学年下学期三年级英语期中测试 (a)


听力部分: (40分)


) 1.a. bigb. bagc. dog

) 2.a. bike b. milkc. like

) 3.a. play b. pearc. baby

) 4. b. monkeyc. man

) 5.a. milk b. mumc. swim

) 6.a. meat b. workc. with

) 7.a. song b. shortc. skip

) 8.a. saturday song

) 9. b. fishc. f**ourite

) 10a. football b. basketball c. table tennis




) 1、a、do you like football? tom go to school?

c. does your mum go to work?

) 2、a.、i like swimmingb. i don’t like skipping.

c. i don’t like riding my bike.

) 3. a. this panda is fatb. that panda is thin.

c. this monkey is small.

) are theyb. what’s this?

that? ) 5. a. what’s your f**ourite colour? b. what’s your f**ourite letter?

c. what’s your f**ourite song?


)1. a. it’s amyb. it’s fatc. it’s a monkey.

)2. a. it’s a lion. small. c. they are monkeys.

)3. a. it’s fatb. it’s thinc. it’s yellow.

)4. a. it’s a tiger. b. they’re lions. c. they’re monkeys. .

)5. a. yes, she do. b. no,she does. c. no,she doesn’t.




)1. they are all___the zoo. b./

)2. elephants __b. are

)3.─what are they?

's a lion. 're lions. 're elephant.

) on saturdays. c. /

)5.--what’s this? -it’s___elephant.

)6.--what’s __f**ourite colour ?

-- red

a. you

)7. thank you __my teachers.

b. )8amy like skipping?

--yes,she does.

) plays football __mondays. a.in

)10. -do you __pears? -yes,i do.


iii( )pass me the a tiger.

( )2. do you like the abc song.

( )i don’t.

( )4 what's your f**ourite song? you are.

( )does.

( )colour is itf. it’s tom

) daming play football? are monkeys.

( )sam at yellow.

( )are doesn’t.

( )your mum like oranges? is.

四、 补全对话。(10分)

mr zhang:good morning, linlin


mr zhang:is your mother at home

linlinshe goes to work on saturdays.

mr zhang

linlin: no, he isn’t. he goes to work on saturdays too.

mr zhang

linlin: it’s my little sister.

mr zhang

linlin: no,she doesn’ only years old.

mr zhang:ha...goodbye.



my name is a f**ourite colour is green. i don’t like yellow. my mother likes green,too.

i like apples and bananas. i don’t like pears. my mother likes apples,too.


2014 2015学年下学期三年级英语期中测试 a 卷首语 亲爱的同学们,愿你放松心情,充分发挥,争取交一份满意的答卷。本次测试卷共100分,考试时间40分钟。记住一定要仔细认真哟!听力部分 40分 一 听单词,从每小题所给的a b c三个选项中选出你所听到的单词,并将答案标号写在题前括号内,每个单...


writing笔试。一 连一连,选出与英文单词相对应的中文意思。二 连一连,选出与英文句子相对应的中文意思。三 选出与句子相对应的 将序号填入题前的括号中。1 hi,i m daming 2 goodbye,feifei.3 hi,lingling.how are you?part 1 writin...


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