
发布 2020-08-16 07:44:28 阅读 2712


module 1

1. can i help you? 需要帮忙吗?

2. i want a hot dog, please. 我想要一个热狗。

3. how much is it? 多少钱?

4. it’s thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents. 十三美元二十五美分。

5. what do you want to eat? 你想吃什么?

module 2

1. when are we going to eat? 我们什么时候吃饭?

2. at half past twelve. 在十二点半。

3. look at the ducks! 看那些鸭子!

4. they’re eating our sandwiches. 它们在吃我们的三明治。

5. it will snow in harbin. 哈尔滨将下雪。

module 3

1. in this photo, the sun is shining. 在这张**中,阳光普照。

2. the birds are singing in the tree. 鸟儿们在树上唱歌。

3. the ducks are eating our sandwiches! 这些鸭子在吃我们的三明治!

4. the cows are drinking water. 奶牛们在喝水。

module 4

1. who can help me? 谁能帮我?

2. i can’t carry everything. 我拿不了所有的东西。

3. sorry, i can’t. 对不起,我不能。

4. the balloons are flying away! 气球飞走了!

5. the apples are falling down the stairs. 苹果从楼梯上掉下来了。

module 5

1. daming is playing the suona, but the phone rings. 大明正在吹唢呐,但是**响了。

2. daming is playing the suona again, but the phone rings. 大明再次吹起唢呐,但是门铃响了。

3. he’s riding his bike, but it starts to rain. 他正在骑自行车,但是开始下雨了。

module 6

1. it was daming’s birthday yesterday. 昨天是大明的生日。

2. simon’s mum bought him a present. 西蒙的妈妈给他买了一个礼物。

3. it was a book about space tr**el. 它是一本关于太空旅行的书。

4. simon was interested in the book too. 西蒙也对这本书感兴趣。

5. the name of the spaceship is shenzhou. 这艘宇宙飞船的名字是神舟五号。

module 7

1. in october 2003, my father flew into space in shenzhou.


2. he spent about twenty-one hours in space. 他在太空里度过了大约二十一个小时。

3. he did a lot of work there. 他在那做了很多工作。

4. she couldn’t see or hear. 他看不见也听不见。

module 8

1. why do you h**e cups on your heads? 为什么你们的头上顶着杯子?

2. why are you laughing? 你们为什么笑?

3. why are you wearing a hat? 你为什么戴着帽子?

module 9

1. you brought us lots of joy. 你带给我们很多欢乐。

2. good luck for the future! 祝你们未来好运!

3. you’re a wonderful friend. 你是一个很棒的朋友。

4. i will miss you! 我会想你的! my best friend. 你是我最好的朋友。

6. best wishes to you! 向你致以美好的祝愿!

7. wishing you happiness every day. 祝愿你天天开心。

module 10

1. we’re going to le**e our primary school soon and start middle school this september.


2. i’m very sad to say goodbye to you. 我很难过要和你们说再见。

3. we’re going to different schools. 我们将要上不同的学校。

4. what are you going to study? 你将要学习什么?


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