六年级英语上册第三单元测试题 人教版

发布 2020-08-15 11:53:28 阅读 3981

一.选择不同类的单词 (5%)

) 1. a. needb. tomorrowc. next weekd. today

) 2. a. post officeb. pet shopc. post cardd. theme park

) 3. a. cd b. post cardc. story bookd. cake

) 4. a. shopb. shoec. hospital d. supermarket

) 5. a. train b. bus c. buy d. ship

二.根据提示写出所缺单词 (5%)

1. where are you going thiso i n m r g n )

2. i’m going to theb o k o r e s o t)

3. what are you going toy u b)

4. i’m going to buy am i c o c) book.

5. what are youto do ? n i g o g)

三.选择正确答案 (15%)

) are you going to do this afternoon?

a. i’m going to buy a book. b. i’m a student.

c. i go to school by bike. d. are you a teacher?

) 2. excuse me. where is the library?

a. where’s the museum? b. where’s the school?

c. where’s the hospital? d. it’s next to the post office.

i’m going to buy an english book.

a. do you h**e comic book? b. what are you going to buy?

c. this afternoon. d. i’m going to plant trees.

) 4. 当你去商店时,售货员通常首先会说:

a. how are you ? b. what are you going to do?

c. are you a student? d. can i help you ?

) 5. where are you going this afternoon?

a. i’m going to buy some comic books. b. i’m going to the bookstore.

c. can i help you? d. i’m going to visit my aunt.

) 6. how do you go there?

a. i’m going to buy a magazine about plants. b. by bus.

c. i’m fine. d. i’m going to the shoe store.

this afternoon.

a. where are you going? b. what are you going to do?

c. when are you going? d. what’s your name?

) 8. what are you going to buy

a. by a train. b. i’m busy.

c. a book. d. good idea.

) 2:00. the boyson the playground.


) mary will be

ninth ) week?

going to do

) you going to the park with

a. i b. he c. me

) going to buy some magazinescars.

a. for b. with c. about

) going tothe great wall next week.

a. visit

) 15are you going there? -on foot.


1. what are you going to do? a. by train.

2. when are you going? b. take a trip.

3. where are you going?c. yes, i am.

4. how do you go to the zoo? d. at 3 o’clock.

5. are you going to use any books? e. i’m going to beijing.


wants to成为) a teacher one day.

many星期) are there in a month?

you often go to the电影院)?

are going to买) some magazines.

you often拉)the violin?



my brothergoing to play computer


dadevery wevening.


are youtomorrow afternoon.


igoing to yunnan by



1. weekend to you are what going do this (?

gong am weekend to visit grandparents my this (.

to she the is going (.

4. are a magazine we buy to going (.

5. this afternoon where gong you are (?

6. are when going to we visit grandparents (?

7. buy you going to what are (?


i’m going toa busy weekend. on saturday, i’m going to the bookstorebus. i’m going toa new cd and some magazines there.

then, i’m going to go home andthe new books. on sunday, i’m going shopping___my mother. she will buy a new bikeme.

we’re goinglunch. in the evening. i’m going tomy aunt.

we are going totv tonight. how cool the weekend will be!what about you?

what are you going toon the weekend?


人教新版 六年级英语上册第三单元测试题

姓名班级分数 听力部分 30分 一 听句子三次,以正确形式写出句子所缺的单词。每小题2分,共10分 to school at 7 00 in the morning.grandpa 人教新版 六年级英语上册第三单元测试题。姓名班级分数 听力部分 30分 一 听句子三次,以正确形式写出句子所缺的单词。...


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