
发布 2020-08-15 09:01:28 阅读 2996




1. (a. sheepb.

cheapc. shear2. (a.

fleshb. farmc. farmer3.

(a. rabbitb. rulerc.

yellow4. (a. lambb.

goatc. pig5. (a.

tomatob. potatoc. onion6.

(a. cucumberb. bananac.

carrot7. (a. appleb.

pearc. horse8. (a.

catb. fatc. bag9.

(a. dogb. goosec.

geese10. (a. duckb.

cupc. bus




(10分) sheep?no,. they?

they are.

do you h**e?i like. i don’t like.


1.()a. i can see there are i h**e three.

2.()a. it’s a they’re they’re lamb.

3.()a. i like i like i h**e tomatoes.

4.()a. no, they yes, they yes, they aren’t.

5.()a. it’s two there are they are two yuan.

五、听一段话,判断下列句子的对错,对的打√,错的打×。(10分)1. (my uncle has a big farm.

2. (there are many animals in the farm.3.

(i can see 20 rabbits there.4. (my uncle likes apples very much.

5. (i like potatoes and carrots.


1. what are they?i h**e three.

2. how much are the onions?no, they aren’t.

3. how many hens are there?there are 11.

4. are these potatoes?they are 5 yuan.

5. how many cows do you h**e?they’re horses.

七、选词填空,将其字母编号写在括号里。(10分)()1. what are these?

these areb. it’sc. they’re

)2. how many lambs are there?

a. there are they’re those are two.()3.

how muchthe jeans?forty areit’sb. isthey’rec.

arethey’re()4. are they horses?no, they’reb.

it’sc. they

)5. what do you see in the picture?three i seeb. i can seec. i h**e

八、根据题目意思,写出问句或答句。(10分)1. how many hens do you h**e?(20只)

2. what do you want?(一双运动鞋)

3. how much are the tomatoes?(8元)

4. are they onions?(土豆)

5. what are they?(一群绵羊)

九、根据上下文的意思选句填空,把句子前的字母编号写在横线上。(a: hello!

welcome to my wow, it’s a big no, they aren’ they’re

a: thirty.

b:a: of they’re under the tree.

a. do you h**e cows?b.

how many hens do you h**e?c. how many geese do you h**e?

d. where is it?e.

are they ducks?f. what are they?

g. how many geese do you h**e? are they?

十。阅读理解,根据短文的意思判断句子的对错,对的打√,错的打×。(10分)my aunt has a farm.

it is not big. there are eleven geese, twelve hens and twentysheep. my aunt likes carrots very much.

so she has many carrots in the farm. look! thecarrots are orange.

they’re yummy. we h**e carrots for lunch today. i like carrots too.

i’mvery happy today.

1. my uncle has a small farm. (

2. there are eleven sheep at the farm. (3.

my aunt doesn’t like carrots. (4. we h**e carrots for dinner today.

(5. i like carrots . 听力材料。

一、c b a a b b c a b c二、a: can i help you?

b: yes. i want ten apples, two watermelons, seventeen carrots, twenty-eight orangesand thirty tomatoes.

how much are they?

a: they’re forty-nine yuan.三、1.

aretheyaren’t2. whatgoats3. how manysixteen4.


四、1. how many horses are there?2.

what are they?3. what do you like?

4. are these cucumbers?5.

how much are they?

五my uncle has a farm. it’s not big. but there are many animals.

i can see fifteensheep, twenty cows, eleven geese and thirty-eight rabbits. they’re so cute. i love uncle likes vegetables very much.

he has many cucumbers, carrots and potatoes .i likecarrots. they’re good for me.






写反义词)写反义词)完全形式) are(缩写形式)宾格)物主代词)物主代词)物主代词)同类词)同义词)四、连词成句。(10分)


1. your, people, there. many, in, h**e, family, are?

2. family, members, six, my, h**e.3. father, is, what, your?



on, apple.5. your, is, mother, this?

五、根据上下问意思,完成下列对话。(15分)1. a:?

b: my mother is nurse.

2. a: is she your aunt?

b: no,.3.

a:?b: i’d like some eggs.

4. a:?b:

this is my father.

5. a:? b: there are five books in the bag.六、写出下列的中文意思。(9分)

1. right.七、选择正确句子的序号完成对话。(15分)

john! look at these photos.2.

b:.3. a:

yes, they are.4. b:

who’s this man?5. a:.

6. b: who’s she?

7. a:.8.

b: is this girl your sister?9.

a:.10. b:

who’ that baby?11. a:.

a. yes, she is a she’s my ha! ha! it’s he’s a are they your family photos?


小学四年级英语下册第六单元试卷学号 班别 姓名 得分 一 翻译下列词语。24分 1.鸡肉2.鱼3.姐妹4.兄弟5.父亲6.母亲7.司机8.医生9.农民10.11.教师12.学生。二 完成单词,并写出中文意思。12分 mily ts nt by seball pl yer三 按要求写单词。15分 写反...


2013 2014学年度第二学期。苏教版四年级语文下册第六单元测试卷。时间 90分钟满分 100分评价等级。一 积累。运用 45分 一 书法展示台。正确 工整地抄写下面句子。2分 绿树成荫鲜花遍地。二 拼音园地。12分 1 看拼音,写词语。5分 d i ji t o y n xi ng m ng x...


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