
发布 2020-08-13 04:11:28 阅读 3842


is the九) month of the year.

wanted购买) a new toy car.

they are阅读) an interesting book.

will看望) his grandparents next friday.

___做) it again。

movie is有趣) than that one.

concert is going to___开始) at five tomorrow.

在) you yesterday? i was at home.

9.--whose bag is it? -it’s我的)。

likes___游泳) very much.

is good at playing the吉他).

i __看见) mr. green.

don't like annimal___故事 ).

is our___守门员).

player from our___跌倒)and hurt his leg.

asked me___帮助)her with her chinese.

me three___升) of milk。

book is the___昂贵的)in the store.

always___去)to school by yesterday he___去)by bike.

bike isn't___他的).

ann and ken迎接)their father at the airport.

ran to father快地,迅速地).

are four___季节) in a year.

are 12 __月份)in a year.

s going to be阴天)tomorrow.

were only妇女们的) clothes.

comic book看起来) more interesting.

找到)a comic book.

decided___买) it.



emperor was吃惊).

___跑)faster than ann.

children are___**)an激动人心)game.

likes __读书) inthe morning.



is the九) month of the year.

wanted购买) a new toy car.

they are阅读) an interesting book.

will看望) his grandparents next friday.

___做) it again。

movie is有趣) than that one.

concert is going to___开始) at five tomorrow.

在) you yesterday? i was at home.

9.--whose bag is it? -it’s我的)。

likes___游泳) very much.

is good at playing the吉他).

i __看见) mr. green.

don't like annimal___故事 ).

is our___守门员).

player from our___跌倒)and hurt his leg.

asked me___帮助)her with her chinese.

me three___升) of milk。

book is the___昂贵的)in the store.

always___去)to school by yesterday he___去)by bike.

bike isn't___他的).

ann and ken迎接)their father at the airport.

ran to father快地,迅速地).

are four___季节) in a year.

are 12 __月份)in a year.

s going to be阴天)tomorrow.

were only妇女们的) clothes.

comic book看起来) more interesting.

找到)a comic book.

decided___买) it.



emperor was吃惊).

___跑)faster than ann.

children are___**)an激动人心)game.

likes __读书) inthe morning.

was父亲) day.


asked mocky展示)the recipe to me.

two茶杯) flour into the bowl.

can't___发动) his car.

拥有)a green train.

second month of the year is___二月).

___他们)some apples.

去) on vacation next month.

played well and we___获得)the first goal.

___去) to the science museum last month.

and ann __带领)mocky to a bookstore yesterday.

玩)football every saturday.

player___伤) his leg.

is 介词专练。

came backa green bag.

came backgermany.

g**e the green bag___the woman.

bought a new skirt __me.

school will h**e a concert___children's day.

ken and d**id will play tagether___the concert.

plays volleyball___her vacation.

is buying balloons___the birthday party.

was___our school team and the bell school team.

is the goalkeeper __our team?

player __our shool team fell and hurt his leg.

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