小学六年级上学期期中考试英语试卷 pep人教版

发布 2020-08-11 06:56:28 阅读 7910


a. b. c. d.

e. f. g. i.

j. h.

( )foot.( bus ( office (

( )bike ( subway. (


) do you go to school? a.祝你生日快乐!

) at a red lightb.我怎么才能到博物馆?

) is the library? c.红灯停。

) can i get to the museum? d.对不起,请问图书馆在哪?

) birthday to youe.你怎么上学去的?


) do you go to school? a. this afternoon

) is the going to the cinema.

) welcome.

) are you going to do this evening?

near the post office.

) are you go to school on foot.


) go to school __foot. b. on

) the cinema? a. are

)3.--is there a library near here?

there b. hi,

) are you __to do? go

) cinema is __to the hospital.

) 6. 当你想知道对方打算做什么,,应该怎么问:

a. what are you going to do ? b. what do you do ?

) 7. 当你不知道医院在哪儿,,应该问:

is the hospital, please ?

can i get the hospital, please?

) 8. 下午碰到熟人怎么打招呼:

a. byeb. good afternoon .

) 9. 当对方说谢谢的时候,你应该怎么回答:

a. no,thanksb. you’re welcome .

) 10. 当你邀请别人下午一起去公园,应该说:

a. how do you go to the park ?

b. let`s go to the park this afternoon.


1. to , the, next, it’s, hospital (.

2. to , get, i, how, cinema, the, can (?

3. on ,left, the, is, the bookstore( .

4 .traffic you the do rules know (?

can the you bus take(.)


a. where is it? b. how can i get there?

c. thank you very much. d. what are you doing to do there?

e. is it far from here? f. that's ok.

are you going ?

a: excuse me, i'm new here. i want to go to the post office

b: it's near the bookstore.

ab:yes ,it is .

ab: you can go by the no.302 off at the hospital,and then turn left .you can see it

a:i'm going to buy a post card,and send it to my cousin

b:you're welcome.


can go to the park on foot.***否定句)

am going to see a picture show.***一般疑问句)

home is far from here. (用where提问)

go to the shop on foot.(用 how提问)

go to school on foot.(对划线部分提问)



tomorrow is jie isn't going to is going to get up early. in the morning,he is going to visit a science 's going there by 's going to h**e lunch in mcdonald's. in the afternoon,he is going to play football with his friends,at about 3:

30,he is going home to do he is going to clean his 's going to cook the meals for his father and mother in the evening.

) day is it today? today is

a. sunday. b. saturday.

)2. what’s wang jie going to do on sunday morning ?

he is going to

a. visit a science museum b. visit his grandparents

)3. wang jie is going to h**e dinner

a. at home . b. in mcdonald's

)4. wang jie is going to the science museum by

a. train. b. subway.

)5. is wang jie a good child?

a. yes,he is. b. no,he isn't.


班级姓名 一 选择题。1我们最亲的人,也就是我们的第一任老师是 a 幼儿园老师 b 小学老师 c 父母 d 中学老师 2.在我国,孝文化由来已久。安徽西递慈善堂有一刻于明朝初年的 孝 字,该字上半部分左右两侧分别呈现猴头和慈妇的头像,表达了不孝会有人变猴的意蕴。孝敬父母最重要的是 a 顺从父母的意愿...


班级姓名 一 选择题。1当我们的班级有了后,我们就拥有了团结奋斗的不懈动力。a 共同的奋斗目标 b 优秀同学的勤奋努力。c 诚挚的友谊 d 更多的同学。2.一根筷子轻轻可折断,十根筷子牢牢抱成团。在建设新的班集体的过程当中,这句话给你带来的最深刻的启示是 a 各想各的,各做各的 b 要团结协作,互相...


时量 90分钟满分 100分。一 填空 满分20分,每小题2分 1 在 5中,正数有负数有。2 如果2a 5b,那么a b 4 如果学校东面12米记为 12 米,那么 9 米表示 5 一种商品打九折后是72元,这种商品的原价是 元。6 一个圆柱的底面半径是2cm,高是6cm,它的侧面积是 cm 体积...