
发布 2020-08-11 06:52:28 阅读 1795




1) name same (2) late letter

3) eight eighty (4) chair child

5) cat cap6) books box


1)a. anna is peter’s sister.

b. anna is from russia.

c. peter is from russia.

2) father is a postman.

uncle is a policeman.

uncle works in a post office.

3) a. ruth has a blue t-shirt.

b. the red t-shirt is henry’s.

c. the blue t-shirt is henry’s.


h i o y f q a g m j


work welcome waiterseven

show homehousework health




1、a:what are those over there?

bit they)are telephones.

2、awhere whose)is the ball?

b:it’s under the chair.

3、he worksin on) a restaurant.

4、let __me, i)sing a song for you.

5、do you h**e __a an) e mail address?

6、a:whose tape is this?

b:it’s my __grandpa grandpa’s).


共27分) )1、a: is this?

b:it’s a pen.

a. what b. where

)2、a:are you reading ?

ba.yes,i am. b. yes, i can.

)3、a:where does your father work?

b:hein a hospital.

a. work b. works


a.glad to meet you . b. see you tomorrow.

)5、a:can you speak english?

ba. yes, i can’t. b. no, i can’t.

)6、bob works in a post office. so he is a___

a. doctor b. postman


a. h**e you got tickets?

b. what do you a tickets?

)8、this dress is jane’s. it’s __

a. her b. hers

)9、you can take them with you and make phone calls at any time.答案是什么?

a. mobile phones


共9分)a: xiao lin, whose piano is it?

ba: can you play it?

ba: great! play one song, please.


a greedy(贪婪的) dog

once a dog got a piece of meat.“what a nice dinner i shall h**e !”he thought.

he came to a small river. he looked into the water. there was another(另一个) dog with another piece of meat.

i shall take that meat too,” he said.

he opened his mouth to bark(狗叫). and then he jumped into the water, but he couldn’t find the other dog. the greedy dog lost(丢掉了) his nice dinner.

yes or no questions:

1、 was there really another dog in the water?

2、 did the dog h**e a nice dinner?


六年级第一学期英语期中考试试卷 北京版第七册 学校班级姓名分数 一 听力题。1 圈出听到的单词。共12分 1 name same 2 late letter 3 eight eighty 4 chair child 5 cat cap6 books box 2 根据所听的内容,选择正确的答案,在序号...


2019 2020年度第一学期六年级英语期中考试试卷分析。本次期末考试试题难度相对于期中考试而言,难易程度适中,对于肯努力且愿意把时间花在学习上的学生,大部分均可拿到相对较高的分数。但是要想拿满分便不那么容易了。本试卷以考察学生的基础知识为主,越是基础的题型对学生的耐心及细心程度考查就越高,因此,充...


2017 2018年度第一学期六年级英语期中考试试卷分析。本次期末考试试题难度相对于期中考试而言,难易程度适中,对于肯努力且愿意把时间花在学习上的学生,大部分均可拿到相对较高的分数。但是要想拿满分便不那么容易了。本试卷以考察学生的基础知识为主,越是基础的题型对学生的耐心及细心程度考查就越高,因此,充...