
发布 2020-08-11 06:49:28 阅读 2875





a. goodbye b. good night

)2、当别人说see you later!时,你应该怎么回答。

a、thank you! b、see you!


a . what are you going to do on weekend?

b. what’s your f**ourite ?

c. how can i going to the hospital?


bookstore is near the library.

bookstore is near the hospital.

bookstore is near the cinema.

( )5at a red light.

a. wait b. go c. stop

) 6 我坐火车去北京。 i go to beijing

foot b. by bike c. by plane

)7.今天下午我准备去医院。i’m going to the hospital this

b. afternoon

)8. what are you going to do __saturday morning ?

aat b in c on

)9. _are you going tomorrow ? bookstore .

a what b where c how

)10. if you want to see a film(电影) ,you can go to the

a library b cinema c bookstore

)11. the science museum is near the school __the right.

a. on b. at c. in

)12 . is your home ? it’s near the post office .

a how b where c what

) 13. if you go by car or on foot, you must know the_ .

a. lights b. traffic c. traffic rules


) 1. a. red b. yellow c. green d. light

) 2. a. go b. stop c. train d. wait

) 3. a. by bus b. by bike c. on foot d. go to school

) 4. a. england b. china c. american d. school

) 5. a. park b. china c. school d. post office


plane 地铁minute 想要。

ship 飞机 want 北。

subway 轮船 north 南。

always 知道 south 分钟。

know 总是 west 西。

科学博物馆 remember

一起地 bank

记住 sciencemuseum




a b )how do you go to school? a you can go by the no.5 bus.

)can i go on foot? b no, it’s not far.

)how can i go to the zoo? c sure, if you like.

)is it far from here? d it’s near the hospital.

) where is the cinema? e usually i go on foot.

ab )where is the bookstore? a my home is near the cinema.

)what are you going to do? b i am going at 3 o’clock.

)where are you going this evening? c it’s east of the cinema.

)when are you going? d i’m going to play football.

)where is your home? e i’m going to the bookstore.


i am going to buy a book.

i am going to school by bike.

i want to buy a pair of shoes.

excuse me. where is the post office?

now let me tell you how to come.


aa bbmm nn



zhang:excuse me,how do we get to the people’s park ?

man: you can go there by the no.5 bus ,or you can go on foot.

zhang: how do we go on foot ?


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