
发布 2020-08-11 05:26:28 阅读 8181






时间:60分钟满分: 100分。

一.单项选择( 15 )

)1. -how are you, mike? you look soit's raining outside. i can't play football.

a. happyb. excitedc. sad

)2.--sam is 160cm tall. ted is 10cm shorter than him. how tall is ted?

a. 150cmb. 160cmc. 170cm

)3.--what's the matter?

---my leg __a. hurtsb. sorec. is hurts

)4did you go on your holiday?


a. whatb. wherec. how()5.--did you __pictures yesterday?

a. takeb. tookc. taking

) 6. a pencil is 15a. cmb. mc. mm() 7. you are 35___

a. gb. kg() 8. you’re taller than

a. me() 9. how __are your feet? i wear size 19.

a. bigb. longc. he**y

) often __tv in the evening.

a. watchb. watchesc. watched

) 11. -what did you do yesterday?


--i___my room..

a. visitedb. cleanc.

wash() 12. my pencil is 10cm. it’s 5 cm __than strongerb.

longerc. long() 13. he is 12 years___a.

tallb. oldc. long

) 14. amy feels sick, she must take some___a. breadb.

sportsc. medicine() 15. did you __the full moon last night?

a. seeb. seesc.


1)h**e a headache2)laugh at3)play football4)listen to music5)funnier6)感冒7)牙疼8)更强壮的9)更大的10)喉咙疼11)高兴的12)打扫房间13)h**e the flu14)take some medicine15)go hiking




sperm whale isthan a killer whale.( long)2. the rabbit’s tail isthan the monkey’s.

( short)3. whatyou do last weekend ? do)4.

ito a park yesterday. (go)5. how big are yourfoot)





) 1. how are you feeing now?a.

he is 130cm tall.()2. what’s your new english teacher like?

b. she is young and strong.()3.

does your father go to work by bus every day?c. very well.

()4. what did you do last sunday?d.

by plane.()5. what’s your friend’s hobby?

e. no, there isn’t.

) 6. where does your sister work?f.

he likes collecting stamps.()7. when are you going to the bookstore?

g. no, he doesn’t.()8.

is there a science museum near here?h. i went swimming.

()9. how do people go to beijing?i.

she works in a bank.

) 10. how tall is your brother?j. at three o’ clock on saturdayafternoon.七.阅读理解(20)

this is billy and his sister’s bedroom..it’s not very big. but it is very clean.

there are two beds in the books. there is a phone on the desk, too. there are two chairs beside the desk.

one is for billy, andthe other is for his sister. there is a map(地图) of america on the wall. there is a map of the world on the wall,too.

billy and his sister like their bedroom very much.1.根据短文,判断句子正误,正确的"t",错误的”f”.

(1. the bedroom is big, and it’s clean.


) 2. there are two desks in the bedroom.()3.

there are some chinese books on the desk.()4. there are two maps on the wall.

()5. the chairs are for billy and his brother.2.


) 1.whose bedroom is it? .2. what’s on the desk?a. some apples.

and his sister’s.

b. some books and a phone.

) 3. where are the chairs?a.

beside the behind the desk.()4. how many maps are there on the wall?

a. two.

) 5. do they like their bedroom?a.

yes, they they don’t.八.读句子,从方框内找出正确的词或短语并将序号填写在横线上。(10)

a. swimmingb. footballc.

hospitald. grandparentse. morning exercisef.

policemang. singerh. homeworki.

pianoj. hurt

john is student. his mother is a歌手)and his father is a警察). he loves hisfamily very much .

he often does作业)at home and does早操)in themorning. he likes游泳)and playing足球). but he受伤)his leg and he went to医院)to see the doctor.

he wants to visit外祖父母)and play the钢琴)for them.


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