
发布 2020-08-10 15:12:28 阅读 5701

6b unit5 on the farm




to new york 去纽约 new york为地名,前面不加定冠词the。再如:go to london, go to beijing

week 下周/ this week这周/last week上周。

there for one year 在那里工作一年,介词for后接一段时间,如:for two weeks, for three days

to farms去农场, on the farm 在农场。

to know… about…想知道有关…want to know the weather about new york 想知道有关纽约的天气

best season 最好的季节,best 为good 的最高级形式,比较级为better

questions about 问有关… 的问题, ask questions about the weather in new york 问有关纽约天气的问题

the countryside 在乡下。

weather in new york 纽约的天气

apples 摘苹果/pick pears摘梨子 /pick bananas摘香蕉 /pick oranges摘桔子。

great ! 听起来太棒了!还可以说:sounds good.

of the time 大部分时间。

snowmen 堆雪人snowmen的单数形式snowman,此类变化的名词还有:man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen等

14. some warmer clothes 一些较保暖的衣服

green (指植物)变绿/get longer变得更长/get shorter变得更短。

rowing 去划船/go swimming去游泳/go walking去散步/.go jogging去慢/.go skating去滑冰/go skiing去滑雪/go climbing去爬山/go fishing 去钓鱼。


1. what’s the weather like? it’s …天气怎么样?天气…

2. which season do you like best? 你最喜欢什么季节?

i like…best.我最喜欢…

why? 为什么?

because it’s…i can…因为天气… 我能…

3. it’s…than… in… …天气比… 更…

often rains.它经常下雨。

is warm in spring.春天天气比较暖和。

6. the days get shorter and the nights get longer in autumn.


6b 第五单元检测。

听力部分 一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词、词组和句子。

) 1. a. seasonb. springc. summer

) 2. a. withb. winterc. weather

) 3. a. rainb. rainyc. run

) 4. a. placeb. planc. player

) 5. a. h**eb. historyc. he**y

) 6. a. pick apples b. pick oranges c. pick pears

) 7. a. warm clothes b. warm coatc. warm scarf

) 8. a. last weekb. next weekc. this week

) 9. a. it’s cool most of the time

b. it’s cool some of the time.

c. it’s cool every day.

)10. a. which season do you like best?

b. which subject do you like best?

c. which sport do you like best?


) 1. a. i like winter best.

b. yes, i do.

c. because it’s cold.

) 2. a. i usually swim.

b. it’s cool and sunny.

c. it’s very beautiful.

) 3. a. no, it isn’t. b. yes, it does. c. it’s in spring.

) 4. a. we’re watching tv.

b. yes, we do.

c. i usually go rowing and fishing.

) 5. a. because i can make snowmen.

b. i like winter best.

c. yes, it is.


in new york, there’s a lot of rain inthe in summer is asas in nanjing. is the best in new york. it’s andin winter,it’s than in nanjing.

mum, we need to someclothes.


1. 在夏季2. 最好的季节。

3. 去农场4. 堆雪人。

5. 在乡村6. the weather there

7. most of the time8. next week

9. as hot great


)1. i like ****** snowmen __my friends in winter.

a. tob. andc. with

)2. the days get __and the nights get __in autumn.

a. longer, shorter b. shorter, longer c. short, long

)3. which season do you like __spring or autumn?

a. goodb. betterc. best

)4. liu tao __know about the weather in guangzhou.

a. wantb. want toc. wants to

)5season do you like best? –i like __best.

a. what, winterb. which, windy c. which, autumn

)6. _a lot of rain in new york.

a. there’sb. there arec. there be

)7. the apples __the tree turn red.

a. inb. atc. on

)8do you like summer best?

-because it’s hot and i can go swimming.

a. whatb. whyc. which

)9. mike is going to shanghaiweek.

a. lastb. nextc. every

)10it often rainy there in spring?

a. doesb. isc. do


1. hewant) to know about the weather in beijing.

2. it oftenrain) there in spring.

likemake) snowmen with friends in winter.

are fourseason) in a year.

goesjog) every morning.

6. -where are yougo)?-the school library.

7.--would you like to joinwe)?-of course.

autumn ,theleaf) start to fall.

at the bus stop just now.

aretalk) about ben’s birthday party.


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