
发布 2020-08-08 01:13:28 阅读 7364





)1。a clever b cloudy c close d clean( )2. c drink )3.

b. see )4. a .

foolish )5. a .park ) 6 ) 7.

)interesting ) lose b. meet

) climb up b. hold onto away into根据所听内容选出正确应答。

)1 a yesb great c i lost my purse( )2 a yes,i do b yes,i did c yes,i like

)3 a i hungry b it’s time for dinner cthat’s all right( )4 a ifound it in the tree b it’s here ci don’t like it( )5 a it’s six b at six c six三.听录音,完成下面短文。

it wasin the morning ,suhai,mike,liu tao and i___to thepark by bike .there was a parrot___in the park, high in the sky.

there were blackin the sky .itwe were hungry。andwhat a day ?笔试部分。


1.在早上6. black clouds___

2.今天早上7. some drinks___

3.一场鹦鹉展览8. fly away___

4.放风筝9. fly high in the sky___

5.吃我们的午餐10. climb the hill___11.在上午12.在空中。



1. go(过去式6. sun(形容词)__2.

saw(原形7. cloudy(名词)__3. interest(形容词8.

rainy(动词)__原形9. brought(原形)__5. fly(过去式10.

find(过去式)__形容词 (形容词过去式过去式。




1. it was __there was a lot of __rain).

2. it was __there were black __cloud) in the sky.3.

children __go) to the park by bike this sunday.4. we __see) some bees flying in the flowers just now.

5. it __rain) all day on 20thseptember.

6. look. the boysswim )in the long ago, therebe )a king.

8,clever people can seethey).选择题。

) is a lot ofin our b rainy c rains

) waslast b rain

) year my mother andi shopping everysunday.

b goed c go

b is c does (

5 su haiwith me last friday swimming b went swimming c go swimming( )jiangsu is very nice . c, sunny

) it.a could b couidn’t c can’t

)8 itthis it’s rainy now.

a is sunny b was sunny c, was rainy

) 9 it’s cloudy and usuallya sun b sunny c suny

) 10it often windy in spring ?a does b is c do

)11 the weatherwindy yesterday become b becomed c became

)12 isome bread and milk___my breakfast thismorning.

a h**e ,with b h**e, for c had , for( )13 i often goin the parka ,walk b walks c walking

)14 isome books here this morning

a bring b bringed c brought

)15 how many___are there in the sky ?a cloud b rains c clouds



they___ants and bees2然后,天气变得有风和多云了。

then,thewindy and3吉姆骑自行车去了公园。

jimto the park4,今天上午天空中有许多乌云。



wehigh in the sky on sunday

阅读短文。everybodywantstobehealthy, healthy


fruitandvegetablesaregoodforyou,butdon’teattoomuchchocolate,it’snotgoodforyourhealth .healthyfoodcanmakeyougrowandmakeyoustrongandhappy,rememberthereisasaying,”anappleadaykeepsthedoctoraway.”sportscanalsokeepyouhealthy,getupearlyanddosomesportseveryday,don’tbelazy ?

andyouwillbehealthyandhappy .

)1is/afruitbvegetablesc aandb

)2h ealthyfoodcankeepyou

afatbgrowc tried




)4don’t eattoomuchitisnotgood

afruitbvegetablescchocolate()5 whichoneisgoodforyourhealth?

a gettingupearlyb goingto bedlatec eatingmorecandies.

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