
发布 2020-08-04 10:10:28 阅读 5644

feel sick. i h**e a cold.(把i改成mike)

will go to the great wall next sunday.(变否定)

3. i think the yellow monkey is 150cm tall.( 变否定)

often goes fishing on weekend.(变否定)

sister can wash the clothes .(变否定句)

are doing our homework now.(变否定句)

some medicine .(变否定句)

i’ll be back home.(变否定)

has a toothache.(变否定句)

asked me to eat some medicine.(变否定句)

was busy last weekend.(变否定句)

are some fish in the river.(变否定句)

likes ****** kites.(变否定句)


you read books last night?(肯定和否定回答)

can swim in the lake.(变否定句)

told me to enjoy my visit to kunming.(变否)

18. a sperm whale has 50 teeth.(变一般疑问句)

legs are longer than mike’s.(变一般疑问句)

feels tired.(变一般疑问句)

21. we will buy a pair of shoes next friday.(同上)

sperm whale is bigger than a killer whale.(同上)

i’ll be back home.(变一般疑问句)

was busy last weekend.(变一般疑问句)

25. he can swim in the lake..(变一般疑问句)

went to the great wall by train.(同上)

climbed a mountain with lisa last week.(同上)

28. i went to harbin.(对划线部分进行提问)

played football with my friends yesterday afternoon.(对划线部分进行提问)

was busy last weekend.(对划线提问)

usually go to bed at (对划线进行提问)

go to the park by bike. (对划线进行提问)

went to the great wall by train.(对划线提问)

is sad because she failed her math test.(同上)

sang and danced last night.(对划线进行提问)

is warm and sunny in spring in beijing.(同上)

like winter because i can ski.(对划线进行提问)

ate good food on their holiday.(对划线部分进行提问)

feel sick. i h**e a cold.(把i改成mike)

will go to the great wall next sunday.(变否定)

3. i think the yellow monkey is 150cm tall.( 变否定)

often goes fishing on weekend.(变否定)

sister can wash the clothes .(变否定句)

are doing our homework now.(变否定句)

some medicine .(变否定句)

i’ll be back home.(变否定)

has a toothache.(变否定句)

asked me to eat some medicine.(变否定句)

was busy last weekend.(变否定句)

are some fish in the river.(变否定句)

likes ****** kites.(变否定句)


you read books last night?(肯定和否定回答)

can swim in the lake.(变否定句)

told me to enjoy my visit to kunming.(变否)

18. a sperm whale has 50 teeth.(变一般疑问句)

legs are longer than mike’s.(变一般疑问句)

feels tired.(变一般疑问句)

21. we will buy a pair of shoes next friday.(同上)

sperm whale is bigger than a killer whale.(同上)

i’ll be back home.(变一般疑问句)

was busy last weekend.(变一般疑问句)

25. he can swim in the lake..(变一般疑问句)

went to the great wall by train.(同上)

climbed a mountain with lisa last week.(同上)

28. i went to harbin.(对划线部分进行提问)

played football with my friends yesterday afternoon.(对划线部分进行提问)

was busy last weekend.(对划线提问)

usually go to bed at (对划线进行提问)

go to the park by bike. (对划线进行提问)

went to the great wall by train.(对划线提问)

is sad because she failed her math test.(同上)

sang and danced last night.(对划线进行提问)

is warm and sunny in spring in beijing.(同上)

like winter because i can ski.(对划线进行提问)

ate good food on their holiday.(对划线部分进行提问)


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