
发布 2020-07-28 01:17:28 阅读 8512

六年级句型总复习(第一学期) 姓名:

1、what is he going to do this sunday? 他打算做什么? (将来时)

he’s going to go swimming.她打算去游泳。

2、. what is tom doing now? (listen, look) (现在进行时)


he is running.他正在跑步。

3. what did he do yesterday? (一般过去时)他昨天在做什么?

he played the piano在弹钢琴了。

4. where did you buy that hat你在哪买了这顶帽子?

i bought it at the shopping mall. 我在商店买的。

5.单数① how much was the guitar? ②how much is the book?


it was forty yuanit is 40 dallars


复数:how much were the guitars? how much are the books?


they were forty yuanthey are 40 dallars


6、 what does he do everyday? (第三人称单数) 他每天做什么?

he reads a book. 他每天读书。(一般现在时always, sometimes, never, usually, ever)

how often do you going dancing?你经常多长时间跳舞一次?

i go dancing twice a week. 我2周跳舞一次。

7、 how does your mother go to work? 你妈妈怎样去上班的?

she usually goes by bus. 她通常乘公共汽车去。

how do you get to school?你怎样上学的?

i usually ride my bike. 我通常骑自行车。

8. what’s the biggest animal in the world?世界上最大的动物是什么?

the whale is the biggest. 鲸鱼是最大的。

9. which is the biggest planet in the solar system?太阳系中什么行星最大?

jupiter is the biggest. 木星是最大的。

10 which is smaller, the ant or the tiger? 哪一个比较少,蚂蚁还是老虎?

the ant is smaller. 蚂蚁比较少。

11.①where were you last night? 你昨晚在**? i was at home.我在家。

12②where are you every sunday? 每个周日你在** i am at home. 我在家。

13. what was the food like? 食物味道怎么样? it was tasty. 很好味。

14. what time is it? 现在几点钟? it’s 7:oo.7点。

15. what’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎样?(一般现在时)

it’s cold. 冷。

16. what was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气怎样?(过去时)

it was cloudy. 多云。

17. what will the weather be like tomorrow?明天天气怎样?(将来时)

it will be sunny. 将会晴朗。

18. how are you? 你好吗?i’m fine, thanks. 我很好,谢谢。

19. how old are you? 你几岁? i’m 13 years old. 我13岁。

30. what does he h**e? 他有什么?

he has some *****. 他又一些纸张。

31. what day is today? 今天星期几? it’s monday. 星期一。

32. what’s the day today?今天几号? it’s july 3rd. 7月3号。

33. when’s your birthday?你生日在什么时候?it’s on april 4th. 4月4号。

34、what color is the carrot? 这个胡萝卜是什么颜色? it’s red. 红色。

35、 where do you come from?=where are you from?你来自**?

i come from zhongshan. =i’m from zhongshan.我来自中山。

36.is a hippo big? 一头河马大吗? yes, it is. 是的。(no, it isn’t)

many songs will they sing? 他们将唱多少首歌?sixteen songs.十六首/

the tallest boy of all? 所有男孩当中谁最高?tony. 托尼。

39. does he ever ride a bike to school?他曾骑自行车上学吗?no, he doesn’t.没有。

you get a bar of soap at the store?你在商店买了一块肥皂吗yes, i did.是。


六年级句型总复习经典题型。1 修改病句。1.解放军叔叔踏着泥泞的道路和大风继续前进。2.张老师光荣地被评为 优秀工作者 的称号。3.两辆新旧自行车骑起来就是不一样。4.经常做眼睛保健操,可以防止眼睛不近视。5.我国人口是世界上最多的国家。6.在老师的指导下,小明明确了学习目的和态度。7.在老师的帮助...

六年级英语总复习 句型转换

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