
发布 2020-08-04 09:57:28 阅读 1911


1. be (am, is, are) 动词后加not或n’t.

例:1) i am ten. →i am not ten.

2) she is a student. →she isn’t a student.

3) we are friends. →we are not friends.

2. 在can, may, must, could, should, would, will, 后加not或n’t.

例:1) i can swim. →i can’t swim.

2) you may go now. →you may not go now.

3) you must listen to the teacher. →you mustn’t listen to the teacher.

4) i’d like some coffee. →i wouldn’t like any coffee.

3. 在主语后加don’t,没有主语加don’t。(如果主语是第三人称单数加doesn’t,后面的动词(三、单)用原形)。

例:1) i like swimming. →i don’t like swimming.

2) i h**e some books. →i don’t h**e any books.

3) she goes to school at 6:00. →she doesn’t go to school at 6:00.

4) tom plays the piano on saturdays. →

tom doesn’t play the piano on saturdays.

注意:1. some 改成any

2. and 改成 or


1. 把be (am, is, are)动词提前到句首。(注意大小写的转换,标点用?)

例:1) i am a student. →are you a student? (第一人称改成第二人称)

2) she is reading an email. →is she reading an email?

3) we are seeing a film. →are you seeing a film?(第一人称改成第二人称)

4) the children are playing football. →are the children playing football?

2. 把can, may, must, could, should, would, will,提前到句首。(注意大小写的转换)

例:1) i can play the piano. →can you play the piano?(第一人称改成第二人称)

2) you may ask tom this question. →may you ask tom this question?

3) they must learn from each other. →must they learn from each other?

4) i’d like some coffee. →would you like some coffee?(第一人称改成第二人称)

5) the boy will see his grandparents this sunday. →

will the boy see his grandparents this sunday?

3. 在句首加do。(如果主语是第三人称单数加does,后面的动词(三、单)用原形)

例:1) i h**e lunch at home at 12:00. →do you h**e lunch at home at 12:00?

2) you go to work by bike every day. →do you go to work by bike every day?

3) she reads stories every evening. →does she read stories every evening?

4) tom’s father likes singing. →dose tom’s father like singing?

注意:1. 第一人称改成第二人称。i, we → you; my, our → your

2. some 改成any。(表示征求意见的问句中不改)

3. and 改成 or


1. be动词 ( am, is, are )

2. can, may, must,

公式:疑问词 + could, should, would, +照抄?(从头到尾,不抄画线)

will3. (加) do (如果主语是第三人称单数加does,后面的动词(三、单)用原形)

疑问词:1. 人 → who2. 物 → what

3. 地点 → where 4. 时间 → what time (when)

5. 年龄 → how old 6. 数量 → how many

7. 方式 → how8. 动词、动作 → what

9. 身体状况→ how 10. 星期 → what day

11. 职业 → what 12. 国家 → where

13. 颜色 → what colour

注意:1. 第一人称改成第二人称。i, we → you; my, our → your

2. some 改成any; and 改成 or

3. 如果划线部分是动词(词组),抄写到划线部分时要补上一个do,形式如同画线的动词。(是否加ing)

4. how many后面加名词复数(要问的东西)。

例:1) tom is ten. →who is ten?

2) this is my pencil-box. →what is this?

3) the boy is in the zoo. →where is the boy?

4) he has supper at six thirty. →what time does he h**e supper?

5) my brother is ten years old. →how old is your brother?

6) she has four lessons a day. →how many lessons does she h**e?

7) she often learns english by sing and dancing. →how does she learn english?

8) the girls are cleaning the room now. →what are the girls doing now?

9) i’m fine. →how are you?

10) it’s sunday today. →what day is today?

11) tom’s grandpa is a worker. →what is tom’s grandpa?

12) jim comes from america. →where does jim come from?

13) my t-shirt is white. →what colour is your t-shirt.


1. be动词 ( am, is, are )

2. can, may, must,

公式:疑问词 + could, should, would, +照抄?(从头到尾,不抄画线)

will3. (加) do (如果主语是第三人称单数加does,后面的动词(三、单)用原形)

疑问词:1. 人 → who2. 物 → what

3. 地点 → where 4. 时间 → what time (when)

5. 年龄 → how old 6. 数量 → how many

7. 方式 → how8. 动词、动作 → what

9. 身体状况→ how 10. 星期 → what day

11. 职业 → what 12. 国家 → where

13. 颜色 → what colour

注意:1. 第一人称改成第二人称。i, we → you; my, our → your

2. some 改成any; and 改成 or

3. 如果划线部分是动词(词组),抄写到划线部分时要补上一个do,形式如同画线的动词。(是否加ing)

4. how many后面加名词复数(要问的东西)。

例:1) tom is ten. →who is ten?

2) this is my pencil-box. →what is this?

3) the boy is in the zoo. →where is the boy?

4) he has supper at six thirty. →what time does he h**e supper?

5) my brother is ten years old. →how old is your brother?

6) she has four lessons a day. →how many lessons does she h**e?

7) she often learns english by sing and dancing. →how does she learn english?


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