
发布 2020-08-04 09:55:28 阅读 3450


1. what time is it ? 几点了 ?

it’s half past four. 4:30 it’s five o’clock. 5点

2. what would you like for breakfast ? i’d like some milk and bread,please.


what’s for dinner ? 晚餐吃什么 ?

3. what are they doing ? they are playing cards.

他们在做什么 ? 他们在玩牌。

4. do you always go to school by bus ? no, sometimes i ride my bike.

你总是坐公交上去上学吗? 不,有时候我骑自行车去。

5. where are you from ? i am from china.

你来自** ? 我来自中国。

6. what subject do you h**e in your school ? 在学校你们学什么科目 ?

we h**e english,math ,science,art… 我们学英语、数学、科学、美术等。

7. how many classes do you h**e each school day ? 每天有多少节课 ?

three classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. /five classes.


8. how’s the weather today ? it’s rainy and cool.


9. what’s the temperature ? it’s 15 degrees.

今天(气温)多少度 ? 15度。

10. what’s your temperature ? it’s 36.5 degrees.

你的体温多少度36.5 度。

11. can you skate ? no, i can’t. 你会滑冰吗? 不,我不会。

can you stand up on the ice ? yes, i can. 你能站在冰上吗? 是的,我能。

12. what’s your f**ourite season ? my f**ourite season is autumn.

你最喜欢的季节是什么? 我最喜欢的季节是秋季。

13. what’s christmas ? it’s a western holiday .

什么是圣诞节? 它是一个西方的节日。

14. when is christmas ? it’s on december 25.

什么时候是圣诞节? 它在12月25日。

15. who is santa ? he is a merry man in red clothes.

圣诞老人是谁? 他是一个穿红色衣服的快乐男人。

16. do people work on christmas ? no, they don’t.


17. what colour are santa’ clothes ? red.

圣诞老人的衣服是什么颜色的? 红色。

18. what do you want to buy ? i want to buy some gifts for my family.


19. do people give gifts to their family on christmas ? yes, they do.


20. what would you like for christmas ? i would like a big, new car.



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广州版小学英语六年级上短语 句型汇总

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