广州版小学英语六年级上短语 句型汇总

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短语句型。module 1country lifeunit 1what are those farmers doing?

on the farm在农场里fruit trees果树in the field在田里pick apples摘苹果some geese一些鹅on the river在河上feed the chickens喂鸡feed the pigs喂猪grow flowers种花plant trees种树。

3.--do you h**e any other animals on the farm?

-yes, i do.在农场里你还有其他的动物吗?--是的,我有。

on a small farm在一个小农场in the country在农村milk the cow挤牛奶ride a bike骑自行车get home回到家much work to do很多工作要做feel tired觉得疲倦a healthy life一种健康生活4.--so i think a country life is a healthy life.


1.--what do you grow on your farm, uncle chen?


--i usually grow flowers.我常常种些花。

2.--what are those farmers doing?那些农民正在做什么?

--they are cutting grass to feed the animals.他们正在割草喂动物。

unit 2a country life is a healthy life.

1.--i love living in the country, buti’m usually very busy.

我喜欢住在农村里,但我经常很忙。2.--every day,i help my father milk the cows.


3.--there are 48 pupils and only one classroom.



--i’m from new york city in america.我来自美国的纽约市。2.

--what’s new york like?纽约是什么样子的?--it’s a big and modern city but it’s quite noisy.

它是个现代化的大都市,但是太嘈杂。3.--everything is very expensive in new york.

纽约的一切都很昂贵。1.--it is very different to our home on the farm.它和我们家在农场里的生活很不同。

2. -in the city, there are so many cars.在城市里,有很多汽车。

3.--sometimes i am afraid to go outside.有时,我很害怕外出。


fall from the bike从自行车上摔下来wear wet clothes穿湿衣服take some medicine服药eat too much ice cream吃了太多雪糕drink plenty of water喝大量的水。

1.--what’s the matter with you?你怎么啦?

--i feel ill. i h**e a stomachache.我生病了。

我肚子疼。2.--i’m sorry to hear that.


module 2city lifeunit 3where are you from?

in our class在我们班里in america在美国。

like living喜欢住在in our city在我们的城市里tall, new buildings高大的新楼。

wide, crowded streets宽阔而又拥挤的街道。

a big, modern school一个又大又现代化的学校large, clean supermarket宽敞而又干净的宾馆clean, comfortable hotel干净而又舒适的宾馆he**y, slow traffic拥挤而又缓慢的交通。

in the city在城市里on the farm在农场上he**y traffic缓慢的交通crowded streets拥挤的街道be afraid to do害怕去做at night在夜里。

different things不同的东西in the coutryside在农村much more to do更多的要做at home在家里can’t wait to do等不及去做。

h**e a stomachache肚子疼sorry to do难过做---eat some bad food吃变质的食物for two hours两小时three times a day一天三次h**e a toothache牙疼should be careful应该小心点take a rest休息h**e a broken finger一个手指断了h**e a cold感冒eat too much candy吃太多糖h**e a headache头疼brush teeth twice a day一天刷两次牙h**e a fever发烧。

unit 4i like the city very much.

module 3healthunit 5what’s the matter with you?

unit 6the secret to good health.

secret to good health健康的秘秘诀feel good感觉良好1.--mr li is not a doctor or a nurse, but he knows the secret to

good health.李先生不是医生,也不是**,但他知道健康的秘诀。things to stay healthy保持健康的东西。

plenty of sleep足够的睡眠walk for one hour走路一小时2.--first,getplentyofsleep,atleast8hourseachnight,so

you will feel feel good for the next day.第一,保证充足的睡keep a good diet保持良好的饮食习惯。

眠,每晚至少8小时,第二天你就会感觉很舒服。take plenty of exercise有足够的体育锻炼。

the most important thing for--对---最重要的东西。

worry too much太操心h**e a smile on the face面带微笑学习资料。

3.--he never worries too much and always has a smile on his



短语句型。module 4past experiencesunit 7what did you do yesterday?

tell me告诉我go shopping去购物a pair of sport shoes一双运动鞋play basketball打篮球at the park在公园so much fun太有趣come back late回家晚了stay at home呆在家里no fun at all一点乐趣都没有meet friends会见朋友eat at a restaurant在餐馆吃饭ride a bike骑自行车see a film看电影last year去年。

h**e a party with my friends和我的朋友举行一个聚会go to the countryside去乡下。

1.--what did you do yesterday?昨天你做了什么?

---i went shopping with my mother.我和妈妈去逛街。2.

--where did you go yesterday?你昨天去了**?--i stayed at home all day.


unit 8a trip to hong kong

last weekend上个周末go on a trip去旅行1.--ben said he was very excited because it was his first visitby train乘火车his first visit to他第一次去---的旅行to the island. ben说他很兴奋,因为这是他第一次游览这个海岛。

2.--on our first day my cousin took us to disneyland.

take us to带我们去--lots of different games许多不同的游戏。


eat a little too much吃得有点太多go shopping去购物。

3.--we had hamburgers and chips for the street在大街上talk about谈论。

我们午饭吃汉堡包和薯条。on our first day在我们(旅行)的第一天。

module 5changesunit 9was i a good girl back then?

in the picture在**里five years old五岁。

surf the internet上网eat vegetables吃疏菜。

play with toys玩玩具read books读书。

eat candy吃糖果short and fat又矮又胖。

watch cartoons看漫画draw cartoons画漫画tall and thin又高又瘦smile a lot笑得很多come to live来居住in china在中国。

very different很不同in the countryside在农村on farms在农场most of大多数。

walk to school走路上学on the bus在公共汽车上take a bus乘公共汽车quiet life安静的生活。

1.--who is that in the picture?**里的那个人是谁?--that’s you.那是你。

2.--my hair was very long then, wasn’t it?


3.--was i a good girl back then?当时我是一个很乖的女孩吗?--yes, you were.是的。

unit 10then and now

1.--when he was in england, ben lived in a small village inthe countryside.当他在英国时,ben住在农村的一个小村庄里。

2.--it has more than 1000 pupils.学校里有超过1000名学生。

3.--it had only two shops and most of the people worked onfarms.那里只有两间商店,大多数人在农场工作。

module 6festivalunit 11i like the sping festival best

f**ourite festival最喜欢的节日so much fun那么有趣1.--what is your f**ourite festival?你最喜欢的节日是什么?

give each other gifts互相送礼物wish them祝愿他们---i like the sping festival best.我最喜欢春节。eat mooncakes吃月饼climb the mountain爬山2.

--what do people do during the sping festival?

春节期间人们做些什么?give old people presents给老人礼物watch the moon赏月。

watch the dragon boat races on the river在江上**龙舟赛---people usually clean their house and buy new clothes to

make everything new and fresh.3.--when is the sping festival?

春节是什么时候?--usually it is in january or february.它通常在一月或二月。

in many countriesd在许多国家。

most important最重要。

on december 25th在12月25日学习资料。


unit 12christmas

1.--christmas is the most important festival of the year.

圣诞节是一年当中最重要的节日。2.--christmas is always on december 25th.

学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考in their home在他们的家里。

for everyone to share和大家分享at christmas在圣诞节。

on christmas morning在圣诞节的早上hurry to open急着打开on that day在那天a happy time一段开心的时光。


3.--can get many wonderful presents from father christmas.


4.--everyone sings many wonderful christmas songs.



六年级英语下册短语句型 广州版

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