
发布 2020-03-28 15:25:28 阅读 4850


重点词汇:month(一个月的时间;月份) cute(可爱) pretty(漂亮的) handsome(英俊的;帅气的) catch (逮住;捉住) famous(著名的;出名的) during(在。期间) spend(度过) everyone(每个人;所有人) countryside(乡村;农村) healthy(健康的;有利于健康的) unhealthy(不健康的,损害健康的) hamburger(汉堡包) yesterday(昨天) fruit(水果) pie(馅饼) pizza(比萨饼) sandwich(三明治) vegetable(蔬菜) chicken(鸡肉) chocolate(巧克力) neighbour(邻居) son(儿子) daughter(女儿) noisy(吵闹的) dig(挖土;掘洞) thousand(一千) hundred(一百) wild(野生的) way(路;方式;方法) die(死;死亡) learn(学习;学会) send(安排去;寄;送) e-friend(朋友) country(国家) other(其他的) hobby(业余爱好) shall(表示提出或征求意见) police(**;警察部门) exciting(令人激动的;使人兴奋的) boring(没趣的;令人厌倦的) kill(杀死) asleep(睡着的) bee(蜜蜂) insect(昆虫) ant(蚂蚁) kind(种类) finger(手指) dancer(跳舞者) capital(首都) north(北;北部) east(东;东部) west(西;西部) south(南;南部) tourist(游客) building(建筑物;楼房) air(空气) everywhere(处处,到处) alive(活着的) factory(工厂) smoke(烟) dirty(脏的) clean(干净的) fresh(清新的) plant(种植) wood(木头;木材) cool(使变凉) match(火柴) miss(想念) earth(地球) part(地区;区域) forest(森林) land(陆地) ocean(海洋) rubbish (垃圾) sick(生病的)

重点短语:grow up(长大;成长) junior high school(初级中学) (be)born(出生) make noise(制造噪音) in danger(面临危险) in the past(在过去) take care of(照顾;照料) go for a walk(去散步) drive away(赶走) would like(表示意愿;喜欢) next time(下次) once upon a time(从前) fall asleep(睡着) make kinds of(各种各样的) in the north of(在。北部) in the east of(在。

东部) keep ..alive(让。活着) cut ..

down(把。砍掉) look for(寻找) so many(这么多) pick up(捡起;拾起) plant trees(植树)

重点句型:her hair was short and her eyes were big .


how was your summer holiday ?


it was wonderful .(太棒了。)

we went to the great wall .(我们去了长城。)

what did you h**e for breakfast this morning ?(这个早晨你吃了什么?)

i had some bread and milk .


did you play with sam last weekend?


yes,i did .(是的,我和他玩儿了。)

in the past,there were may pandas .(在过去,有许多熊猫。)

would you like to h**e e-friends in other countries?(你愿意结交别国的网友吗?)

shall we go and see a film this weekend? sure .(这周末我们去看电影好吗?当然可以。)

what did you see at the museum ?


i saw a lot of interesting cars .


how long does it take to get to shanghai from beijing by train ?


it takes about five hours .(大约花费五小时。)

it keeps them high in the sky .


we get wood from trees .(我们从树上得到木头。)

we use wood to make pencil .


we should stop cutting down so many trees.(我们应该停止砍伐树木。)

六年级英语下册短语句型 广州版

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