
发布 2020-07-30 14:17:28 阅读 2143

六年级英语上册学习重点 (单元句型和单词)

unit11. what did you do this summer今年夏天你干什么了?

i went back to canada我回到加拿大。

2. when did you come back你什么时候回来了?

i came back last thursday我上周四回来了。

3. did you go to see your grandparents你看望爷爷奶奶了吗?

yes, i did./ no, i didn’t是的。看望了。/没有。

wrote a story 写故事

went back to canada回到加拿大。

made cakes 做蛋糕

came back 回来

went to the airport去机场

finished the piano lessons完成钢琴课。

return the books还书

win the football match赢得足球赛。

unit24. why did you stand on your head你为什么倒立呢?

because i wanted to practice kung fu因为我想练习功夫。

5. what happened to you你怎么了?

i hurt my right leg我伤了右腿。

6. what did you say你说什么了?

i said you should stop eating too much我说你应该少吃点儿。

stand on your head 倒立

practice kung fu 练习功夫。

go to hospital 去医院

cut my finger 切伤了手指。

fell 摔倒

cry 哭

hurt 受伤

broke 折断

scratched 抓伤

eating too much 吃的太多

playing computer games玩电脑游戏。

smoking 抽烟。

unit37. where did you go last weekend上周末你去**了?

we flew to hangzhou我飞到了杭州。

8. how did you go to hangzhou你怎样去的杭州?

we went there by air我们坐飞机去的。

9. who invented those vehicles谁发明的交通工具?

some smart people did一些聪明的人。

last weekend 上周末

yesterday afternoon昨天下午。

on friday morning 周五早上

flew 飞。

drove 驾驶/

took the train to hangzhou坐火车去杭州

the spring festival fair春节庙会

the train station 火车站

by air/ bus/subway/taxi/train, on foot

those vehicles 那些交通工具

some smart people 一些聪明的人。

unit510. when did the ancient olympic games begin古代奥林匹克运动会是什么时候开始的?

they began in 776 bc开始于公元前776年。

11. when did people hold the first modern olympics? 人们什么时候举办第一届现代奥运会的?

they held them in 1896 in athens他们在2024年在雅典举办第一届奥运会。

12. how many medals did the chinese athletes win中国运动员获得了多少奖牌?

they won 51 gold medals,21 silver medals.

and 28 bronze medals他们赢了51枚金牌,21枚银牌和28枚铜牌。

the ancient olympic games古代奥运会

the qin dynasty秦朝。


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