2019六年级英语上册第七单元重点短语 句型 译林版

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unit 7 閲嶇偣璇嶆眹銆佸彞鍨?story time 1. protect the earth 淇濇姢鍦扮悆 2.

s**e water 鑺傜害鐢ㄦ按 3. water is useful . 姘存槸鏈夌敤鐨?

useful things鏈夌敤鐨勪笢瑗?4. drink water 鍠濇按 5.

use water to clean things 鐢ㄦ按娲椾笢瑗?6. every day姣忓ぉ 7.

we use water to clean things every day鎴戜滑姣忓ぉ鐢ㄦ按娲椾笢瑗裤?8. in many places 鍦ㄨ 澶氬湴鏂?

is not much water. 娌℃湁澶鐨勬按。 much water澶鐨勬按。

there is not much water in many places. 鍦ㄨ 澶氬湴鏂规按璧勬簮缂轰箯銆? should not waste water.

鎴戜滑涓嶅簲璇ユ氮璐规按銆?11. waste water娴垂姘?

should reuse and s**e water 鎴戜滑搴旇鍐嶅埄鐢ㄥ拰鑺傜害姘磋祫婧? energy鑺傜害鑳芥簮 14. most of our energy 鎴戜滑澶ч儴鍒嗙殑鑳芥簮 15.

come from coal and oil 鏉ヨ嚜鐓ょ偔鍜岀煶娌? is not much coal or oil on earth. 鍦扮悆涓婃病鏈夊お澶氱殑鐓ょ偔鍜岀煶娌?

on earth鍦ㄥ湴鐞冧笂 17. we should s**e energy. 鎴戜滑搴旇鑺傜害鑳芥簮銆?

18. we should not drive so much.鎴戜滑涓嶅簲璇ュ 寮杞︺?

drive so much 澶氬紑杞?

19. use a lot of energy 浣跨敤璁稿鑳芥簮 20. s**e trees 鑺傜害鐢ㄦ爲 21.

we should s**e trees. 鎴戜滑搴旇鑺傜害鐢ㄦ爲銆?22.

wood comes from trees 鏈ㄥご鏉ヨ嚜浜庢爲鏈?come from = be from鏉ヨ嚜。use wood to make tables, chairs and many other things.

鎴戜滑鐢ㄦ湪澶村埗浣滄瀛愶紝妞呭瓙鍜岃澶氬叾瀹冧笢瑗裤?24. many other things 璁稿鍏跺畠鐨勪笢瑗裤?

should not cut down too many trees. 鎴戜滑涓嶅簲璇ョ爫浼愬お澶氱殑鏍戙?26.

cut down too many trees 鐮嶆帀澶鐨勬爲 27. trees help keep the air clean.鏍戝府鍔╁噣鍖栫┖姘?

28. don鈥檛 use too much plastic 涓嶈浣跨敤澶鐨勫鏂?

use plastic to make bags and bottles. 鎴戜滑鐢ㄥ 鏂欏埗浣滃寘鍜岀摱瀛愩? much plastic is bad for the earth 澶鐨勫鏂欏鍦扮悆鏈夊 31.

be bad for the earth 瀵瑰湴鐞冩湁瀹?32. be bad for 瀵?..

鏈夊 be good for 瀵?..鏈夌泭 33. we should not use too many plastic bags or bottles.

鎴戜滑涓嶅簲璇ヤ娇鐢ㄥお澶氱殑濉戞枡琚嬪拰濉戞枡鐡躲?plastic bags 濉戞枡琚?plastic bottles 濉戞枡鐡?

should use ***** bags and glass bottles. 鎴戜滑搴旇浣跨敤绾歌鍜岀幓鐠冪摱銆?35.

***** bags 绾歌 glass bottles鐜荤拑鐡?

36. too many(澶 )+鍙暟鍚嶈瘝鐨勫鏁板舰寮?濡傦細too many trees 澶鐨勬爲 too many plastic bags 澶鐨勫鏂欒 too much(澶 )+涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇嶏紙oil, coal,plastic,wood,energy绛夌瓑锛?

濡傦細too much plastic澶鐨勫鏂?

grammar time 1. we use water to clean things 鎴戜滑鐢ㄦ按娲椾笢瑗裤?2.

we use plastic to make bags and bottles. 鎴戜滑鐢ㄥ 鏂欏埗浣滃寘鍜岀摱瀛愩?3.

we use wood to make tables, chairs and other things. 鎴戜滑鐢ㄦ湪澶村埗浣滄瀛愶紝妞呭瓙鍜屽叾瀹冧笢瑗裤?

4. we should use ***** bags and glass bottles. 鎴戜滑搴旇浣跨敤绾歌鍜岀幓鐠冪摱銆?

5. we should s**e trees. 鎴戜滑搴旇鑺傜害鐢ㄦ爲銆?

6. we should not drive so much. 鎴戜滑涓嶅簲璇ュ 寮杞︺?

7. we should not use too many plastic bags or bottles. 鎴戜滑涓嶅簲璇ヤ娇鐢ㄥお澶氱殑濉戞枡琚嬪拰濉戞枡鐡躲?

8. we should not cut down too many trees. 鎴戜滑涓嶅簲璇ョ爫浼愬お澶氱殑鏍戙?

9. we should not waste water. 鎴戜滑涓嶅簲璇ユ氮璐规按銆?

fun time 1. collect some ***** 鏀堕泦涓浜涚焊 2. collect plastic bags and plastic bottles 鏀堕泦濉戞枡琚嬪拰濉戞枡鐡?

3. how can we reuse these things? 鎴戜滑濡備綍鍐嶅埄鐢ㄨ繖浜涗笢瑗匡紵 reuse these things 鍐嶅埄鐢ㄨ繖浜涗笢瑗?

4. reuse ***** to make a box 鍐嶅埄鐢ㄧ焊鍋氱洅瀛?

5. reuse a plastic bottle to make a toy 鍐嶅埄鐢ㄥ 鏂欑摱鍋氱帺鍏?

sound time /culture time 1. eevery day i go to school. 鎴戞瘡澶╁幓涓婂 2.

really cool 纭疄閰?3. h**e fun 鏈変箰瓒?

4. every morning and afternoon 姣忓ぉ鏃╂櫒鍜屼笅鍗?5.

earth day is on 22nd april. 鍦扮悆鏃ュ湪4鏈?2鏃ャ?

6. world environment day is on 5th june 涓栫晫鐜鏃ュ湪6鏈?鏃?

7. we should love and protect our earth 鎴戜滑搴旇鐖辨姢鎴戜滑鐨勫湴鐞?

cartoon time

1. do a project 鍋氫竴涓棰?2.

the earth is our home 鍦扮悆鏄垜浠殑瀹跺洯 3. all students should know this. 鎵鏈夌殑瀛︾敓搴旇鐭ラ亾杩欎釜銆?

4. make a poster 鍋氫竴寮犳捣鎶?5.

tell them about it 鍛婅瘔浠栦滑鍏充簬瀹?6. start drawing 寮濮嬬敾鐢?

7. let me draw the earth first. 璁╂垜鍏堢敾涓湴鐞冦?

8. there are trees and flowers on it . 鏈夋爲鍜岃姳鍦紙鍦扮悆锛変笂闈 ?

9. look nice 鐪嬩笂鍘诲緢婕備寒 10. draw some bananas on the tree 鍦ㄦ爲涓婄敾涓浜涢钑?

11. draw a rubbish bin 鐢讳竴涓瀮鍦炬《 12. you shouldn鈥檛 litter.

浣犱笉搴旇涔辨墧鍨冨溇 poster is ready. 娴锋姤鍑嗗濂戒簡 14. put it at the school gate 鎶婂畠鏀惧湪瀛︽牎闂ㄥ彛 a nice poster!

澶氫箞濂界湅鐨勪竴寮犳捣鎶ュ晩锛?16. we should protect the earth and keep it clean.


checkout time 1. what should they not do ? 浠栦滑涓嶅簲璇ュ仛浠涔堬紵 2.

he should not smoke in the restaurant. 浠栦笉搴旇鍦ㄩキ搴楅噷鎶界儫 in the restaurant 鍦ㄩキ搴楅噷 3. they should not litter in the park.

浠栦滑涓嶅簲璇ュ湪鍏洯涔辨墧鍨冨溇 4. they should not cut down too many trees. 浠栦滑涓嶅簲璇ョ爫浼愬お澶氱殑鏍戙?

5. they should not throw rubbish in the river. 浠栦滑涓嶅簲璇ユ妸鍨冨溇鎵旇繘娌抽噷 6.

they should not talk in the library. 浠栦滑涓嶅簲璇ュ湪鍥句功棣嗚亰澶┿?talk in the library 鍦ㄥ浘涔﹂ 鑱婂ぉ銆?

should not use too many plastic bags . 浠栦滑涓嶅簲璇ヤ娇鐢ㄥお澶氱殑濉戞枡琚嬨?

2019六年级英语上册第七单元重点短语 句型 译林版

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