
发布 2020-08-01 22:14:28 阅读 5138


一、选出不同类的一项。( 1. a.

easy( )2. a. meeting( )3.

a. actor( )4. a.

friendly( )5. a. guess二、英汉互译。

1. hard-working2.发短信3.一瓶4.一所希望学校5. from now on三、单项选择。

) 1. whatnoodles would you like?a. kind

b. kind of

c. kinds of

6.举办一场运动会7. the bund8.拿起。

9. take part in10. story book

b. eastb. outgoingb. singerb. happilyb. wish

c. northc. throwingc. meterc. kindc. dream

) 2is the woman?—she is a what

b. how

c. who

) 3. i was the firstthe 100-meter in

b. onc. at

) 4do you think of her?—she is a little how

b. what

c. when

) 5. there will be a saleour in

b. onc. at


1) what are we going to talk about?a.我们可以乘火车去上海吗?

(2) where would you like to go?(3) it’s in the southeast.


4) shall we go to shanghai by train?d.我们将谈论什么?(5) i like big cities.



1. my friend sometimeswatch) tv in the morning.2.

i’mgo) to play the computer games this afternoon.3. whatbe) you going to do?

4. mareh**e) a pen pal.5.

what’she) f**ourite food?六、选择合适的句子补全对话。

a. we want noodles, rice, fried chicken and what would you like?c. how much?

d. what about you, tom?e. may i h**e the menu?linda: (1

waitress: certainly, here you nancy. (2nancy: i’d like some (3

tom: i want some rice and ok. (4waitress:

is that all?linda: yes.

(5waitress: 55yuan.七、按要求完成句子。

1. he has to stop because it is bad for him.(改为一般过去式2.

you had a great children’s day!(改为一般现在时)

3. she had short hair then.(对划线部分提问)

4. will you go to see it?(改为肯定句)

5. my story book are interesting.(改为单数词)

八、给下列句子排序,使组成一段完整的对话。( this is alice speaking. who is that?

( i’ll see a film. how about going with me?( hello!

may i speak to alice?( sure. i’m glad to.

thank you!

) this is gina. what will you do tomorrow?九、阅读理解。

new york is big, too. it’s as big as london. the streets in londonare crowed(拥挤)and there is one of the world’s biggest the biggest park in london.

根据短文内容判断正(√)误1) london is in europe.

) 2) new york is as big as london.( 3) new york has more parks than london.

) 4) there aren’t big stores in london.

) 5) there is one of the word’s biggest underground in london.( 6) new york’s central park is much bigger than the biggest parkin london.十、书面表达。

题目:my family members


参***。一、1-5 cbcab

二、1. a bottle of 2. take up 3.

a hope school 4.参加5.从现在开始6.

故事书7.努力的8. h**e a sports meeting 9.

send amessage 10.外滩三、1-5 baaba四、(1)-(5) debac

五、1. watches 2. going 3. are 4. has 5. his六、(1)-(5) ebdac七、

1. he had to stop because it was bad for him.2.

you h**e a great children’s day.3. what did she look like then?

4. i will go to see it.

5. my story book is interesting.八、2 4 1 5 3



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