《英语周报》17 18学年六年级下册期末测试题

发布 2020-08-01 22:15:28 阅读 8049


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)1. a. when b. went c. go

)2. a. math b. chinese c. english

)3. a. can’t b. must c. mustn’t

)4. a. lovely b. lovec. dog

)5. a. dance b. dancer c. singer

)6. a. fifthb. sixthc. fourth

)7. a. usab. ukc. nba

)8. a. geography b. chemistry c. history


a. b. c.

d. e. f.


1. my grandmother is a

2. ia snowman with my sister in winter.

3. there are manyin the lab.

4. i’m so sorry tothat mike broke his arm.

5. my uncle is a


)1. rose goes to see a doctor in the morning.

)2. rose has a fever.

)3. rose likes eating vegetables.

)4. rose likes drinking water every day.

)5. rose must take the medicine three times aday.



)1. a. driveb. worker c. driver

)2. a. tookb. broke c. make

)3. a. science b. subject c. physics

)4. a. learnb. truec. study

)5. a. streetb. le**e c. give

)6. a. fatb. thinc. feel

)7. a. illb. nurse c. doctor

)8. a. he**y b. kind c. light


1. i don’t feel well. i think i感冒).

2. we回到) to our hometown byplane last month.

3. you must drink大量的) water.

4. bob will go to a中学) in theusa.

5. why not make a毕业留念册)?

6. my mother is in the餐厅).


)1. i can help you __your chinese.

a. with b. for c. of

)2. what __your father do?

a. do b. is c. does

)3. you __cross the street when the lightis red.

a. mustn’t b. must c. can

)4. the computer rooms are on the __floor.

a. eight b. eighth c. nine

)5you be a teacher?

no, i __

a. will; willb. do; do

c. will; won’t


a. b. c.

d. e. )1. chemistry will be my f**orite subject.

)2. mike broke his leg yesterday. he is in hospitalnow.

)3. today is mother’s day. kelly gives her mothersome flowers.

)4. —what’s wrong with you, amy?

i h**e a toothache.

)5. —what do you want to be?

i want to be a cook.


hello, everyone. welcome to yucai middleschool. i’m a student of grade 7.

today i’ll showyou around our school. it is a __are __large classrooms in it. and therearetwo___opposite (在……的对面)theteachers’offices.

many pupils like to __there. you cansee a playground __the swimming pool. wecan do sports there.

we h**e many __in thisschool. they are chinese, math, english, physics,chemistry, geography andmy __subject is geography. i want to understand the___i like my __very much.


john was a factory worker. one day, he fellfrom the machine and had a broken leg. hisworkmates (同事) took him to the hospital.

after afew days, john asked his doctor whether (是否)his operation (手术) had been successful (成功的),but the doctor forgot to tell him. the next day, johnasked for a bedside telephone. when there was noone in the room, he called his doctor.

when thedoctor answered telephone, john said he was john’srelative (亲属) and was worried about john’s leg. heasked if john’s operation had been successful. thedoctor told him that it had been successful.

thenjohn asked when he could go home. the doctorsaid john could go home after two weeks. then hehung up (挂上) the phone happily.

)1. john had a broken hand.

)2. john had an operation on his leg.

)3. john called the doctor when his workmateswere there.

)4. john’s relative asked the doctor about hisoperation.

)5. john was happy because he could go homeafter two weeks.




例如:— what’s wrong with you?

i’m ill. i h**e a ..



六年级作文 小学生周报

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