
发布 2020-08-01 01:46:28 阅读 7694

六年级英语上册unit 1练习3



lesson 5——lesson 6 & revision


一)单词。1. look 看。

2. must 必须;应该

3. wait 等待。

4. respect尊敬

5. and和;并且。

6. them他(她,它)们

7. good好的;令人满意的。

8. young年轻的;幼小的。

9. children孩子们

10. grass草;草坪

11. mustn’t =must not

12. cross横穿

13. now现在。

14. spit吐痰。

15. litter乱丢杂物。

16. ground地面,地上。

二)词组。1. look out

2. cross the road

3. wait for

4. on the ground

5. keep off(the grass)

6. take(good)care of

7. respect old people

8. on the street

9. go on a social studies field trip

10. in front of

11. hold up

12. point to

三)语法。must & mustn’t

must必须,用于表示义务或强迫。表示义务时,可以等于h**e to。must 后面接动词原形。must的过去时用 had to。


mustn’t是 must not的缩写形式。表示强烈地禁止,作“不可;不准”解,比can’t 的语气更强烈。

四)句型。look out ! you must wait.


1. 辨析:can, should, must




2. let 的用法:


let 引导的祈使句否定形式要视在意思上否定的是什么来决定。如果否定let要在let前加don’t,如果否定let后面的动词,则在动词前加not。

3. look out

在本课指“当心”,相当于“take care”除此以外,还当“朝外看,把头伸到窗外看”解释。

4. you mustn’t pick the flowers.


5. no littering!

相当于“don’t litter”

同样“no spitting”相当于“don’t spit”

no crossing”相当于“don’t cross”

6. make a sign to tell people what they must(mustn’t)do.




)1. a. should b. wouldc. coughd. could

)2. a. messb. bedc. setd. eleven

)3. a. activeb. any c. animald. at

)4. a. keepb. beef c. geesed. coffee

)5. a. roomb. good c. lookd. foot

)6. a. homework b. work c. horsed. worker

)7. a. herb. dinner c. farmerd. brother

)8. a. housesb. horses c. glassesd. classes

)9. a. singb. morning c. evening d. english

)10. a. mouth b. maths c. mouthsd. thank

二、词汇。a. 用所给适当形式填空:

1. (not do)your homework now.

2. we must (be)quiet in the reading-room.

3. he draws the picture very (careful).

4. i want (go)to bed early.

5. peter often (watch)tv the whole evening.

b. 根据中文填入单词适当形式:

1. do you like (看)tv?

2. we should get up (早).

3. tell them (问)questions actively.

4. gao wei is (做)a list of rules for the class.

5. we eat with our (嘴).


)1. mimi holds up a sign to tell people “_littering.”

a. no b. not c. don’t d. be

)2. tell the boy __write on the wall.

a. not to b. to not c. don’t d. not

)3. please wait __me.

a. at b. for c. to d. in

)4. don’t read __bed. it’s bad for your eyes.

a. on b. in c. at d. under

)5. don’t __in class. listen __your teacher carefully.

a. speak, with b. talk, to c. read, in d. say, at

)6. tom often helps the old people __the road.

a. cross b. crosses c. crossing d. crossed

)7. everyone in our class __english very much.

a. like b. likes c. liking d. is liking

)8. peter often __to see his teacher.

a. go to schoolb. goes to school

c. goes to the schoold. go to the school

)9. mary is a very __girl. she often asks questions __

a. actively, active b. active, active c. active, actively d. actively, actively

)10. we should take __of young children.

a. care b. careful c. carefully d. good

)11. don’t lookthe window.

a. out of b. at near c. out near d. at of

)12quiet, please.

a. please b. don’t c. keep d. not

)13. we shouldn’t __late for class.

a. to be b. be c. are d. is

)14. peter never __noise in class.

a. make b. ****** c. ****** d. makes

)15. make a sign to tell people __

a. what must they dob. what they must do

c. what mustn’t they dod. what they must doing


1. my brother is reading a book.(画线提问。

2. they are on the street.(画线提问。

3. the, help, teacher, will, us, our, with, english(组句。

4. he is a driver.(画线提问。


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