
发布 2020-07-25 09:37:28 阅读 7880

2015鍏勾绾ц嫳璇诲涔犱箣鍙ュ瓙褰掔被涓锛庤闂鍚嶃佸勾榫勩?1銆?--what鈥檚 your name?

浣犲彨浠涔堝悕瀛楋紵 --my name is鈥︹? 鎴戝彨鈥︹︺?2銆?

--how old are you? 浣犲嚑宀佷簡锛?--i鈥檓 12.


--what colour is it? 瀹冩槸浠涔堥鑹茬殑锛?--it鈥檚 yellow and white.

榛勭櫧鐩搁棿銆?2銆?--what colour are they?

瀹冧滑鏄粈涔堥鑹茬殑锛?--they鈥檙e green. 缁胯壊鐨勩?

涓夛紟璇㈤棶鏁伴噺鎴栦环閽便?1銆?--how many people are there in your family?

浣犲鏈夊嚑鍙d汉锛?--three. 涓夊彛浜恒?

2銆?--how much are these apples? 杩欎簺鑻规灉澶氬皯閽憋紵 --they鈥檙e thirty-five yuan.


--what time is it now? 鐜板湪鍑犵偣閽燂紵 --it鈥檚 nine o鈥檆lock. it鈥檚 time for english class.

涔濈偣銆傝涓婅嫳璇浜嗐?2銆?--what day is it today?

浠婂ぉ鏄熸湡鍑狅紵 --it鈥檚 monday. 鏄熸湡涓銆?3銆?

--when is your birthday? 浣犵殑鐢熸棩鏄粈涔堟椂鍊欙紵 --it鈥檚 october 1st.鍗佹湀涓鏃ワ紝鍥藉簡鑺傘?

4銆?--when do you do morning exercises? 浣犱滑浠涔堟椂鍊欏仛鏃╅敾鐐硷紵 --i usually do morning exercises at 8:

30. 鎴戜滑閫氬父8锛?0鍋氭棭閿荤偧銆?

浜旓紟璇㈤棶鏂逛綅鎴栧湴鏂广?1銆?--where is my toy car?

鎴戠殑鐜╁叿姹借溅鍦ㄥ摢鍎匡紵 --it鈥檚 here, under the chair. 鍦ㄨ繖鍎匡紝鍦ㄦ 瀛愪笅闈 ?2銆?

--where is the canteen? 椁愬巺鍦ㄥ摢鍎匡紵 --it鈥檚 on the first floor. 鍦ㄤ竴妤笺?

3銆?--where are the keys? 閽ュ寵鍦ㄥ摢鍎匡紵 --they鈥檙e in the door.

鍦ㄩ棬涓娿?4銆?--excuse me.

where is the library, please? 瀵逛笉璧凤紝璇烽棶鍥句功棣嗗湪鍝効锛?--it鈥檚 near the post office.

鍦ㄩ偖灞闄勮繎銆?5銆?--where are you from?

浣犱粠鍝効鏉ワ紵 --i鈥檓 from china. 鎴戜粠涓浗鏉ャ?6銆?

--where does the rain come from? 闆ㄦ槸浠庡摢鍎挎潵鐨勶紵 --it comes from the clouds. 瀹冩槸浠庝簯灞傞噷鏉ョ殑銆?

鍏紟璇㈤棶鎯冲悆鐨勪笢瑗裤?1銆?--what would you like for breakfast ?

浣犳棭椁愭兂鍚冪偣浠涔堬紵 --i鈥檇 like some bread and milk. -鎴戞兂鍚冮潰鍖呭拰鐗涘ザ銆?2銆?

--what鈥檚 for breakfast? 鏃╅ 鍚冧粈涔堬紵 --hamburgers and orange juice. 姹夊牎鍖呭拰姗欐眮銆?

涓冿紟璇㈤棶澶╂皵鐘跺喌銆?1銆?--what鈥檚 the weather like in beijing?

鍖椾含鐨勫ぉ姘斿浣曪紵 --it鈥檚 sunny and hot. 浠婂ぉ鏄櫞澶╋紝澶╂皵寰堢儹銆?鍏紟璇㈤棶韬綋鐘跺喌鎴栨儏缁 ?

1銆?--how do you feel? 浣犳劅瑙夊浣曪紵 --i feel sick.

鎴戣寰椾笉鑸掓湇銆?2銆?--what鈥檚 the matter?

鎬庝箞浜嗭紵 --i h**e a cold.銆鎴戠殑鍠夊挋鐤笺?3銆?

--how are you, sarah? you look so sad. 浣犲ソ鍚楋紝鑾庢媺锛熶綘鐪嬭捣鏉ヨ繖涔堜激蹇冦?

--i failed the math test. 鎴戠殑鏁板鑰冭瘯娌℃湁閫氳繃銆?涔濓紟璇㈤棶鑱屼笟銆佽韩浠芥垨浜虹墿銆?

1銆?--what鈥檚 your father? 浣犵殑鐖朵翰鏄仛浠涔堢殑锛?

--he鈥檚 a doctor. 浠栨槸涓鍚嶅尰鐢熴?2銆?

--what does you mother do? 浣犵殑姣嶄翰鏄仛浠涔堢殑锛?--she鈥檚 a tv reporter.

濂规槸涓鍚嶇數瑙嗗彴璁拌呫?3銆?--who鈥檚 that man?

閭d綅鐢峰+鏄皝锛?--he鈥檚 my father. 浠栨槸鎴戠埗浜层?

4銆?--who鈥檚 this boy? 閭d釜鐢峰鏄皝锛?

--he鈥檚 my brother. 浠栨槸鎴戝厔寮熴?5銆?

--who鈥檚 your art teacher? 浣犱滑鐨勭編鏈佸笀鏄皝锛?--miss wang.

鐜嬭佸笀銆?--what鈥檚 she like? 濂归暱浠涔堟牱鍎匡紵 --she鈥檚 young and thin.


鍗侊紟璇㈤棶鍏磋叮銆佸枩濂姐?1銆?--what鈥檚 your f**ourite food?

浣犳渶鍠滄鐨勯鐗╂槸浠涔堬紵 --fish. 楸笺?2銆?

--what鈥檚 your f**ourite season? 浣犳渶鍠滄鐨勫鑺傛槸浠涔堬紵 --winter. 鍐 ぉ銆?

--which season do you like best? 浣犳渶鍠滄鍝釜瀛h妭锛?--winter.

鍐 ぉ銆?--why do you like winter? 浣犱负浠涔堝枩娆㈠啲澶╋紵 --because i can make a snowman.

鍥犱负鍙互鍫嗛洩浜恒?3銆?--what鈥檚 your hobby?

浣犵殑鐖卞ソ鏄粈涔堬紵 --i like collecting stamps. 鎴戝枩娆㈤泦閭 ?-what鈥檚 his hobby?

浠栫殑鐖卞ソ鏄粈涔堬紵 --he likes riding a bike. 浠栧枩娆㈤獞鑷杞︺?4銆?

--do you like peaches? 浣犲枩娆㈠悆妗冨瓙鍚楋紵 --yes, i do. 鍠滄銆傦紙鑲畾鍥炵瓟锛?

--no, i don鈥檛。 涓嶅枩娆傦紙鍚﹀畾鍥炵瓟锛?鍗佷竴。

璇㈤棶姝e湪鍋氱殑浜嬫儏銆?1銆?--what are you doing?

浣犲湪鍋氫粈涔堬紵 --i鈥檓 doing the dishes. 鎴戝湪娲楃洏瀛愩?2銆?

--what鈥檚 the tiger doing? 閭e彧鑰佽檸鍦ㄥ共浠涔堬紵 --it鈥檚 running. 瀹冨湪濂旇窇銆?


--what are you going to do? 浣犲噯澶囧仛浠涔堬紵 --i鈥檓 going to the cinema. 鎴戝噯澶囧幓鐪嬬數褰便?

--when are you going to do? 浣犲噯澶囦粈涔堟椂鍊欏幓锛?--this afternoon.

浠婂ぉ涓嬪崍銆?2銆?--where are you going this afternoon?

浠婂ぉ涓嬪崍浣犲噯澶囧埌鍝効鍘伙紵 --i鈥檓 going to the bookstore. 鎴戝噯澶囧埌涔﹀簵鍘汇?--what are you going to buy?

浣犳墦绠椾拱鐐瑰効浠涔堬紵 --i鈥檓 going to buy a comic book. 鎴戝噯澶囦拱鏈极鐢讳功銆?鍗佸洓。

璇㈤棶鏇剧粡鍋氳繃鎴栧彂鐢熻繃鐨勪簨鎯呫?1銆?--where did you go last weekend?

浣犱笂鍛ㄦ湯鍘诲摢鍎夸簡锛?--i went to wuhan. 鎴戝幓浜嗘姹夈?

2銆?--how did you go there? 浣犳庝箞鍘荤殑锛?

--i went by train. 鎴戝潗鐏溅鍘荤殑銆?3銆?

--what did you do there? 浣犲湪閭e効鍋氫簡浜涗粈涔堬紵 --i went shopping. 鎴戝幓璐墿浜嗐?


--is this your bedroom? 杩欐槸浣犵殑鍗у 鍚楋紵 --yes, it is. 鏄殑銆?

--no, it isn鈥檛。 涓嶆槸銆?--is your sister in the living room?

浣犲濮愬湪瀹㈠巺鍚楋紵 --no, she isn鈥檛。 /yes, she is. 涓嶅湪銆?

鍦ㄣ?2銆?--is there a river in the park?

鍏洯閲屾湁涓鏉″皬娌冲悧锛?--yes, there is. 鏈夈?

--are there any bridges in your village? 浣犱滑鏉戝瓙閲屾湁妗ュ悧锛?--no, there aren鈥檛。

娌℃湁銆?3銆?--can you wash your clothes?

浣犱細娲楄。鏈嶅悧锛?--yes, i can.

/no, i can鈥檛。 浼氥? 涓嶄細銆?

4銆?--does she teach english? 濂规暀鑻辫鍚楋紵 --no, she doesn鈥檛。

she teaches math. 涓嶏紝濂规暀鏁板銆?5銆?

--did you read books yesterday? 浣犳槰澶╄ 涔︿簡鍚楋紵 --yes, i did. 璇讳簡銆?

鍗佸叚。 鈥淗ow鈥濋棶鍙ャ?1銆?

--how do you go to school? 浣犳庝箞涓婂锛?--usually i go to school on foot.

sometimes i go by bike. 鎴戦氬父姝ヨ 涓婂銆傛湁鏃跺欓獞鑷杞︺?2銆?

--how can i get to zhongshan park? 鎴戞庝箞鍒颁腑灞卞叕鍥幓锛?--you can go by the no.

15 bus. 浣犲彲浠ヤ箻鍧?5璺叕姹姐?

3銆?--how tall are you? 浣犳湁澶氶珮锛?

--i鈥檓 160 cm tall. i鈥檓 taller than you. 鎴戞湁160鍏垎銆傛垜姣斾綘楂樸?

4銆?--how he**y are you? 浣犳湁澶氶噸 --i鈥檓 48 kg.

you鈥檙e he**ier than me. 鎴戞湁48鍏枻銆備綘姣旀垜閲嶃?5銆?

--how do you feel? 浣犳劅瑙夊浣曪紵 --i feel sick. 鎴戣寰椾笉鑸掓湇銆?

--how does chen jie feel? 闄堟磥鎰熻濡備綍锛?--she鈥檚 tired.


1銆?--what鈥檚 in the classroom? 鏁欏閲屾湁浠涔堬紵 --a board, six lights, many desks and chairs.

涓鍧楅粦鏉裤佸叚鐩忕伅鍜岃澶氭妞呫?2銆?what about you?

/how about you? 浣犲憿锛?4銆?

--whose is it? 瀹冩槸璋佺殑锛?--it鈥檚 mine / yours / his / hers.

鏄垜鐨勩? 浣犵殑銆? 浠栫殑銆?

濂圭殑銆?5銆?--what can you do?

浣犱細鍋氫粈涔堬紵 --i鈥檓 helpful. i can sweep the floor and do the dishes. 鎴戝緢鑳藉共銆傛垜浼氭壂鍦般佹礂鐩樺瓙銆?

涓锛?鍙嶄箟璇?big锛堝ぇ鐨勶級---small锛堝皬鐨勶級 black锛堥粦鑹诧級---white锛堢櫧鑹诧級 free锛堥棽鐨勶級---busy锛堝繖鐨勶級 hot锛堢儹锛?


cool锛堝噳鐖斤級---warm锛堟殩鍜岋級 tall锛堥珮鐨勶級---short锛堢煯鐨勶級 long锛堥暱鐨勶級---short锛堢煭鐨勶級 young锛堝勾杞荤殑锛?--old锛堣佺殑锛?here锛堣繖閲岋級---there锛堥偅閲岋級 before锛堜箣鍓嶏級---after锛堜箣鍚庯級 new锛堟柊鐨勶級---old锛堟棫鐨勶級浜岋紟瑙勫緥鐢ㄦ硶 1.

a, an鐨勯夋嫨: 鍏冮煶闊崇礌寮澶寸殑鍗曡瘝鐢╝n,鍏朵粬鐨勫崟璇嶇敤a. 2.

am , is , are鐨勯夋嫨: 鍗曟暟鐢╥s , 澶嶆暟鐢╝re. i 鐢?

am , you 鐢?are. 3.

h**e , has 鐨勯夋嫨: 琛ㄧず鏌愪汉鏈夋煇鐗?鍗曟暟鐢╤as , 澶嶆暟鐢╤**e.

i ,you 鐢?h**e . 4.

there is, there are 鐨勯夋嫨:琛ㄧず鏌愬湴鏈夋煇鐗?鏌愪汉。

鍗曟暟鐢╰here is , 澶嶆暟鐢╰here are. 5. some, any 鐨勯夋嫨:

鑲畾鍙ョ敤some, 鐤戦棶鍙ュ拰鍚﹀畾鍙ョ敤any. 6. 鐤戦棶璇嶇殑閫夋嫨:

what (浠涔? who (璋? where (鍝噷) whose (璋佺殑) why(涓轰粈涔?

when(浠涔堟椂鍊?which(鍝竴涓?how old (澶氬ぇ) how many (澶氬皯)how much(澶氬皯閽?

浜虹о浠h瘝涓庣墿涓讳唬璇?涓銆佷汉绉颁唬璇?浜虹о 鍗曟暟澶嶆暟涓绘牸瀹炬牸涓绘牸瀹炬牸绗竴浜虹о i me we us 绗簩浜虹о you you you you 绗笁浜虹о he him they them she her it it

浜屻佺墿涓讳唬璇?鏁?浜虹о 绫诲埆鍗曟暟澶嶆暟绗竴浜虹о 绗簩浜虹о 绗笁浜虹о 绗竴浜虹о 绗簩浜虹о 绗笁浜虹о 褰㈠ 璇嶆х墿涓讳唬璇?

my your his her its our your their 鍚嶈瘝鎬х墿涓讳唬璇?mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs 姹夎鎴戠殑浣犵殑浠栫殑濂圭殑瀹冪殑鎴戜滑鐨?浣犱滑鐨?



unit1 1 你正在做什么?2 我正在擦窗户。3 他正在做什么?4 他正在煮面条。5 这个女人正在做什么?6 她正在跳舞。7 他正在画画吗?8 是的,他是。9 不,他不是。unit21 我没在拍照。2 你们正在写信吗?3 是的,我们是。4 不,我们不是。5 你们正在做什么?6 我们正在爬山。7 他...


一 国名。澳大利亚中国美国。英国加拿大日本。德国新西兰意大利。英格兰俄罗斯印度。二 动物。猫狗老鼠乌龟 兔子猪奶牛马。绵羊山羊鹅鸭。鱼鸟鸡猴子 狮子老虎熊猫长颈鹿 熊大象蛇鲸。鹰袋鼠天鹅豹子 猎豹鳄鱼豚猪鹿。北极熊公牛金鱼蜘蛛 恐龙青蛙鲨鱼龙。三 天气。有风的多云的阳光灿烂的 下雨的干燥的热的 凉爽...


一 扩句。1天空闪烁着星星。2猴子爬上了竿顶。3海浪涌上沙滩。4 喜讯传到学校。5 列车穿过山谷。6 春风吹遍大地。二 缩句。1 五壮士胜利地完成了掩护群众和连队的转移任务。2 小明坐在沙发上津津有味地看 三毛从军记。3 这是英雄人民坚强不屈的声音。4 孩子们感谢时光老人带来美好的春天。5 猴子高兴...