
发布 2020-07-23 09:00:28 阅读 6911


一、a. 选择正确的字母组合补全单词。

ea to ary cu ci en k op in ra

1. books__re 2. pl__se 3. ex__se 5. _nema

7. bi_e


1.医院2电影院3邮局 4书店。

5对不起 6图书馆 7哪儿8请

9一双10 下车11三分钟。





)1. a. eastb. d. north

)2. a. museum b. post office c. music

)3. a. plane b. cinema d. bus

)4. right home left straight

) light light light light


)1. where are you from, amy

a. i’m amy. b. i’m ten. c. i’m from america.

)2. stop at the __

a. yellow light b. green light c. red light

)3. the science museum is near the school __the right.

a. onb. atc. in

) 4. is there a cinema near your home

a. yes, there isn’t. b. yes, there is. c. no, there is.

) 5. what does this sign mean? (这标志是什么意思?)

a. turn right!

b. don't turn right!

c. turn left!

) 6. if you want to buy some books, you can go to the __

a. book shopb. shoe shop c. post office

) 7. if you want to see a doctor, you can go to the __

a. hospitalb. libraryc. cinema

) 8. turn rightthe school, then go

a. of, straight b. at, straight c. in, straight

) 9. how do you go to school? i often go to school___foot.

a. by b. onc. in

) 10. excuse me, where is the library? —it’sthe cinema.

a. next b. next toc. at

) 11. -where is shanghai? —it's in theof china.

a. east b. southc. north


a. excuse me. where is the cinema, please?

b. excuse me. where is the school, please?

c. excuse me. where is the post office, please?

( )13.当你从不在晚上出去时应这样说:(

seldom go out in the evening .

often go out in the evening .

never go out in the evening .


go to school at 7:00 in the morning.

usually go to school at 7:00 in the morning .

i go to school at 7:00 in the morning .


turn right on foot go straight by bike no bikes turn left


1. to the next it’s hospital .

2. to get i how cinema the can ?

3. on left the is the bookstore .

4. my is new she friend

5. are doing what you ?

6. tv i watch

7. dinner at h**e i seven about


) is the shoe store

) it far from here?

) to meet you.

) are you.

) you know the way to the cinema?


john:hello,sarah!tomorrow is my eleventh will h**e a birthday you coming?

how can i get to your house?

john:well,let me tell you . is there a bus stop in front of your house?

sarah:yes,there is.

john:first,go to the bus the no. 4 off at the bookstore.

sarah:and then?

john:turn left and walk west for you can see the supermarket on your left. my house is next to will meet you at the door.

sarah:all right,i will you tomorrow.


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